How many school counselors are at CCES?
There are 3 school counselors at CCES. Mrs. Unger and Mrs. Minnick are school counselors in the school. Mr. Zeares is a school counseling intern in the school as well.
What is the job of the people you can go to in the school that will listen to all of your problems?
School counselors
What does the S stand for in SOAR?
S stands for Safety
It is okay to be angry sometimes?
Yes it is okay to feel angry. We all have different emotions that we feel at different times.
I am in big trouble if I have to talk to the school counselor?
False. There are many different reasons that you might talk to the school counselor.
If you need to talk with a school counselor, what should you do?
You can visit the office during lunch and recess. If you need to talk to someone during class, you can ask your teacher for permission to come to the office.
Are the school counselors going to tell your friends what you talk to the counselor about?
No. The school counselors will keep what is said confidential between the student and the counselor.
What does the O stand for in SOAR?
O stands for On task.
What are some things we do if we are feeling sad?
Talk to the school counselor
Go for a walk
Keep a diary
Talk to a friend
I can just leave the room anytime I need to talk to the school counselor?
False. You have to ask your teacher for permission to come talk to the school counselors
What days of the week can you talk to a school counselor?
Mrs. Unger is here Monday-Friday
Mrs. Minnick is here every Tuesday-Thursday
Mr. Zeares is here Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays
What are some reasons why you may go to see the school counselor?
Some examples include...
Feeling sad or lonely
Being bullied
Arguments with friends or family
Having trouble with grades and school
Many more reasons...
What does the A stand for in SOAR?
Name some ways to be a good friend
Be a bucket filler
Sit next to a friend at lunch that is lonely
Invite a friend to play at recess
Help a friend when they need it
Teachers or parents may request that a student talks to the school counselor.
True. Parents and teachers may ask the school counselor to talk to a student if they are worried about them.
Where is the school counseling office?
The school counseling office is right next to the cafeteria. If you see the nurses office you have gone too far.
If you or a friend is being bullied what should you do?
Tell a trusted adult like a school counsleor, the principal, a teacher, or your parents.
What does the R stand for in SOAR
R stands for Respect
What are different emotions that we might feel?
You can talk to a school counselor about little or big problems?
True. Sometimes it just helps to talk to someone, no matter the size of the problem.
What class will you see the school counselors every week?
You will see one of the counselors in BBT (Bluejay Bonus Time) one time a week
If a friend tells you they they are being hurt or abused, should you keep that a secret?
No. You should tell this information to a trusted adult in the school like the principal, the school counselors, or your teacher.
What does it mean to be a SOARing Bluejay at CCES?
A SOARing Bluejay is someone that is Safe, On task, Accountable for their actions, and is Respectful.
What are some things that we can do when we are angry?
Take some deep breaths
Go for a walk
Talk to a school counselor
Count to 10
Everything that you tell a school counselor will always stay between you and the counselor?
False. The school counselor is there to help keep kids safe. If a student tells the counselor that someone is hurting them, the student is hurting themself, or the student wants to hurt someone else, the counselor must report that in order to keep kids safe.