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Flower, Shatter, Wax, and Dabs are all different methods for this plant's active ingredient, Tetrahydrocannabinol, to enter your body and which can cause impaired perception of time and distance, relaxed inhibitions, reddened eyes, and body tremors. 

What is Marijuana?


Bootleggers beware: This lasted until 1933 when the 21st amendment was ratified

What is Prohibition?


You must be this age to consume alcohol in the District of Columbia?

What is 21?


I can get arrested for this offense if I smoke marijuana in public.

What is public consumption of marijuana.


This app sends a car to take me home safely

What is Lyft, Uber, or Rideshare?


While some users of this party drug like its euphoric and hallucinogenic effects, others may experience nausea, vomiting, alterations in vision, dizziness, dry mouth, dehydration, and jaw-clenching.

What is Ecstasy/ MDMA?


In Nov. 2014, DC voters passed Initiative 71 to do what?

What is legalize marijuana?


In 2018, alcohol impaired driving fatalities accounted for what percent of overall roadway fatalities in the US? 

What is 29%


I can get charged with this offense if holding an open beer in public. 

What is POCA (possession of an open container of alcohol)?


This mode of public transportation is mostly underground and takes me throughout DC, Maryland, and Virginia.

What is the Metro train?


When this prescription medication, intended to treat ADHD, is misused it can cause increased heart rate, jitters, anxiety and nervousness.

What is Adderall or Ritalin?


In 2018, this American rapper, singer, and former boyfriend of Ariana Grande died after a Fentanyl overdose.

Who is Mac Miller?


Compared to sober teenagers, teens who have consumed alcohol and who drive under the influence are 400 times more likely to be involved in this.

What is a motor vehicle crash?


Number of kids killed every year by a drunk driver 

What is 1100+



This mode of transport doesn’t cost anything and has many health benefits associated with it.

What is Walking?


Vomiting, erratic breathing, difficulty speaking, turning blue, clammy...are all things that can happen when you consume too much of this 

What is Alcohol?


In 1922, Tony Montana was upset when the US made this drug illegal.

What is Cocaine?


If you’re under 21 and driving in DC, a BAC above this number may result in a DUI charge.

What is 0.00?


This is the number one abused drug in the US

What is Alcohol?


This method of getting home takes more planning and the commitment of a friend not to drink.

What is a designated driver?


Users beware! You might be expecting a marijuana high

But after smoking this alternative many experience agitation, rapid heart beat, zombie like behaviors, confusion, and vomiting.

What is K2 or Spice (synthetic marijuana)?


In 1984, Congress passed this Act, which required states to raise their ages for purchase and public possession to 21 by October 1986 or lose 10% of their federal highway funds.

What is the National Minimum Drinking Age Act?


A 12 oz. beer, 5 oz. wine and 1.5 oz. distilled spirits are all the same what.

What is a standard drink size?


Drinking alcohol can effect the development of your what?

Brain! Adolescent brain development continues well into your 20s.


When going to a party, never leave who behind

What is a friend?
