What is Sociology?
The study of social behavior and human groups.
What is a subculture?
A subculture is a segment of society that shares a distinctive patter of customs, rules, and traditions that differ from that of the larger society.
What is Queer Theory?
It is the study of society from the perspective of a broad spectrum of sexual identities including heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality.
What does Language do?
Both shapes, and describes Culture.
What is ascribed status?
it is an assigned status usually at birth.
What does the social sciences include?
Sociology, anthropology, economics, history, psychology, and political science.
What is Erving Goffman known for?
Impression Management
What is the perspective that values may perpetuate men's dominance?
Feminist Persepective.
Applied Sociology is?
The practical application of the discipline to problem in human behavior and organizations. Includes Community research and clinical sociology.
What are the five elements of social structure?
Status, social roles, groups, social networks, and social institutions.
Which perspective would have an example of a public punishment?
What do norms characterize from a conflict perspective?
Reinforce patterns of dominance.
What are social roles?
a set of expectations for people who occupy a given social position or status.
What is cultural Universe?
Certain developed general practices.
What is Functionalist Perspective?
Outlines and emphasize the way the part of a society are structured to maintain stability.
Who is Emile Durkheim?
Sociologist who did extensive theoretical work on suicide.
Norms are what?
Standards of behavior members of society are expected to uphold; they can be formal or informal-generally understood.
What is Ethnocentrism?
To use your own culture as a way to evaluate other cultures.
What is Anthropologist, George Murdock known for being >
Being the father of Cultural Universals.
What is dominant ideology?
A set of beliefs and practices that reinforce powerful social economic and political interest.
Who is the father of marcosociology and mircosociology?
Robert Merton
Who wrote about the perspective of the Looking Glass Self?
Charles Horton Cooley
Interactionist Perspective
What are the components of the theory of self? by George Mead.
The Preparatory stage. the play stage, and the game stage.
Who spoke about hunter gather societies as well as postindustrial and postmodern society
Gerhand Lenski