Why was the Gilded Age called the Gilded Age?
Because to the rest of the world the US looked clean and rich but in reality, The US was full of corruption and other issues
Why were labor unions created?
To help fight against the terrible work conditions that people were facing
What is a Muckraker?
A journalist who focuses on exposing corruption in America
who was called the Trustbuster and why?
Theodore Roosevelt, Because he broke down monopolies and trusts
What was the outcome of the Spanish-American war?
Cuban independance and America gained the Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico as territories
What foreign policy did the US use to gain control of the Panama Canal?
Big Stick Policy
Who is credited with creating the lightbulb?
Thomas Edison
Which politician was SUPER corrupt and ran a political machine in New York?
What were the reasons that workers went on strike during the Gilded Age?
They were overworked, paid almost nothing and they were constantly put in dangerous work environments
Why did the country switch from the Gilded Age to the Progressive Era?
Politicians started to realize that issues such as poverty, corruption, and workers rights were getting out of hand and they needed to be focused on more
What did Theodore Roosevelt do with the National Parks System?
He helped expand it
$20 Million
What policy focused on equal trade opportunities in China?
Open Door Policy
The process of pushing air through molten iron to create steel
The populist movement
What did immigrants face almost every day?
Racism and prejudice
What act did the book The Jungle help create?
The Pure Food and Drug Act
What organization was founded by Black and White reformers who worked to fight back against the racial injustices in America?
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
What is Yellow journalism?
A style of sensationalized, exaggerated reporting meant to attract attention and sway public opinion
What policy involves trying to negotiate first and then if that doesn't work, use military action
Big Stick Policy
What innovation led to goods being able to be transported around the country must faster?
The railroad System
Who were 2 robber barons that we talked about and what were their industries?
What was the point of labor strikes?
Employers weren't listening and they needed a way to get their point across
What amendment gave women the right to vote?
The 19th
What was the book The Jungle about?
It exposed the unsanitary conditions in meat packing plants
What two reasons did the US want to Annex Hawaii?
For economic and military advantages
What policy focused more on the power of money than the power of violence?
Dollar Diplomacy
What is horizontal integration?
When a company expands by acquiring or merging with competitors in the same industry.
What was the difference between Carnegie and Rockefeller?
What is the name of the housing the immigrants and the working class lived in?
What is it called when the government takes a more hands-off approach when it comes to governing?
Laissez Faire
What is considered the end of the Progressive Era?
The start of WWI
What did the Platt Agreement do?
Gave the US the Right to Intervene in Cuban affairs
Name one politician who created a foreign policy during the age of imperialism
Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft, or John Hay
What is verticle integration?
When a company controls multiple steps of production, from raw materials to final sales.