A method that turns variable observations into numbers.
What is quantitative research?
A group with its own material and non-material culture that is part of the larger society but differs significantly from it.
What is a subculture?
The process of social interaction that teaches the child how to function as a member of their society.
What is primary socialization?
A number of people gathered who do not identify with one another.
What is a crowd or an aggregate?
When a researcher collects narratives and analyzes them to write their own summary about what was observed about the subjects.
What is qualitative research?
What are the two components of social structure in a human group that guide interactions?
Statuses and roles.
Changes in the division of labor were related to changes in these two forms of solidarity in society, or how we are interdependent.
What are mechanical and organic solidarity?
When elements of one culture are adopted by another and used in that culture's ways?
What is cultural diffusion?
The theory that proposes that we develop a self through imagining how we appear to others, interpret how others respond, and then adjust to these reflections.
What is The Looking Glass Self?
The replacement of customs and superstitions with calculated rules and regulations, especially economic calculations.
What is rationalization?
These groups are formed in relationship to the means of production.
What are social classes?
When 2 variables are related, influencing one another, as plotted on an x,y axis chart.
What is correlation?
Strongly held norms that morally sanction behavior and reflect the values of a culture.
What are mores?
An institution that seeks to strip away and replace aspects of the self with highly conformist identity and behavior.
What is a total institution?
This type of organization depends heavily on offering predictable, standardized products in the most efficient way for the lowest price.
What is McDonaldization?
The perspective that focuses on how people communicate through interactions to establish meanings.
What is symbolic interaction?
Believing that your culture is superior or the natural measure against which all others should be judged.
What is Ethnocentrism?
The organization that is based on hierarchical authority, technical expertise, impersonality, and written rules and records.
What is bureacracy?