Definitions & Examples
Self & Identity
Culture & Norms
Class Activities
Millennial Pop Culture

Give an example of an agent of socialization.

Family, school, media, peers, etc. 


Charles H. Cooley argued that the 'self' emerges from how an individual interacts with others and interprets those interactions. He calls this the ___.

Looking Glass self


Values, norms, and beliefs are examples of what form of culture? 



When I asked you to go out and take pictures of bumper stickers, what concept/theory was this meant to illustrate?

Symbolic interaction


Millennials were just starting out our professional careers at the same time that Jim and Pam were on this sitcom that premiered in 2005.

The Office


A type of norm that is responded to with formal, legal consequences is called a ___.



Before giving a big presentation, Tom gives himself a pep talk in the mirror to get himself into the right frame of mind. This kind of behavior is what Goffman would refer to as a ___ performance.

Back stage


Within a mainstream culture, smaller groups that have their own distinct ideas, values, practices and norms are known as __.



On the first day of class we played a game called "Queen Anne." Describe the main sociological lesson of that game. 

Our individual experiences shape what we expect to see, so we are often blinded from seeing bigger picture patterns and trends that exist outside of our own experiences. 


Elder millennials like me are sometimes called the ___ ___ generation; named after the popular computer video game that we played in school (presumably to learn about American history). I always died of dysentary!

Oregon Trail


CW Mills said that in order to understand how individual experiences are connected to broader social and historical contexts, you need to use a(n) ___.

Sociological imagination


What is the difference between the "I" and the "Me"? For example, if you are choosing a new profile picture for your social media, which one (I/Me) is making the photo selection, and which one (I/Me) is represented in the chosen photo? 

"I" is the subject of thought who is picking the best photo for the intended audience

"Me" is the object of thought who is represented in the photo selected


Give an example of a "folkway"

Everyday cultural habits that guide right vs. rude; e.g. holding the elevator door for a stranger


In class, I asked you to look at a group of patterned circles and organize them into categories. What concept was this activity meant to illustrate? 

Social construction of identities / identities as social facts

Name all six of the main characters on Friends.

Monica, Chandler, Joey, Ross, Rachel, and Phoebe


Describe the difference between ethnocentrism and cultural relativism.

Ethnocentrism = belief that one's own culture is superior to others; an interpretation of cultural values that puts your own culture at the center.

Cultural relativism = recognizing cultural differences without passing value judgements 


George H. Mead described how the 'self' internalized the views of society as a whole, allowing a fully socialized individual to recognize and adapt their behavior to social expectations from a variety of roles simultaneously. This is called the ___.

Generalized other


What is the difference between a more and a taboo?

The level of social sanction you would face if you violated the norm

More = moderate social disapproval/exclusion

Taboo = severe social disapproval + usually illegal


In class, we dissected what it means to walk and talk "like a man/woman." This exercise was meant to illustrate Goffman's ___ theory. 



While Gen Zers might know that being "redpilled" means subscribing to the idea that everything you've been taught is a lie, Millennials know that this phrase originated with this 1999 film.

The Matrix


What is homophily?

The tendency to associate with others who share similar characteristics/preferences to yourself.


The extent to which an identity is considered privileged or marginalized within a society is driven by __ __; culturally held ideas about which groups are more or less deserving of esteem. 

Status beliefs


Cheating on an exam in college is an example of a breach of which type of norm?

Institutional policy


In class, we compared differences between Gen Zers and Millennials in clothing style, slang, and behavioral norms. Which specific sociological concept was this exercise meant to illustrate? 

Presentation of self or distinction


Before Facebook and Instagram, we millennials were on this OG social media platform, and we were all friends with Tom. 

