Existing between two or more nations.
What is international?
War, poverty, and unemployment are examples of this.
What is push factors?
Loyalties that conflict are called this.
Religious, Cultural, Class, Regional and Ethnic loyalties are often called ____________________.
What are non-nationalist loyalties?
Safety, security, and job opportunities are examples of this.
What are pull factors?
A nation with a defined border and a government.
Country or nation-state.
This event started the French Revolution. Double points for the date.
What is the Storming of the Bastille (July 14, 1789)?
A loyalty to Alberta over Canada would be a __________ loyalty.
What is regional?
The Chinese government banned the religion of Falun Gong, making religious practitioners choose between their nationalist and religious loyalties. It caused a feeling of _______ from their country.
What is alienation?
Ms Fayad shows her ________ to the Clippers by watching their games, even if they lose ...! Their worth to her is not in their ability to win, the same as her students' worth is not in their ability to pass her class -- though they are all capable of that!!!
What is loyalty?
Nations that are built by people with the same background, ancestors, language, etc…
What are ethnic nations?
The French revolution changed the government in France from an _____________ to a _____________.
What is absolute monarchy to republic?
This was passed in Quebec to make French the dominant language in that province.
What is Bill 101?
Former PM Pierre Trudeau put in place the NEP to control oil prices during a boom, which Albertans took issue with. These two loyalties came into conflict.
What are regional and nationalist loyalties?
The following picture is an example of this:
What is a national symbol?
Events leading up to the French Revolution are important to the __________ _____________ that many French people share.
What is collective consciousness?
Baltej Singh Dhillon fought for his right to wear a turban as part of his RCMP uniform. This allowance by Canadian law is called _____________ ____________.
This group led the desegregation of schools in the US in 1957 when they were enrolled in a white school. President Eisenhower send military to support them against harassment due to their race.
Who are the Little Rock Nine?
National myths are told by this kind of nation to create a collective identity.
What is civic nation?
Signing up for the Canadian Armed Forces, willing to die for your country.
What is patriotism?
New ideas from the Enlightenment about individual rights and freedoms helped the French people gain a sense of _________ ___________ that was not based in loyalty to the King, but loyalty to each other as the people of France.
What is National Identity?
When the Mohawk people of the Kanesatake region set up a blockade to stop a golf course from expanding on to sacred land in 1990, in a conflict that lasted 78 days. It is also called The Kanesatake Resistance.
DOUBLE POINTS: The Kanesatake Resistance led the government to investigate the challenges that Indigenous people face in Canada, and to pose solutions through this mandate.
What is the Oka Crisis?
What is the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples?
DAILY DOUBLE: The right to practice your religion is protected by Canada's constitution under the _____________________________.
What is the Charter of Rights and Freedoms?
A nation taken over by China, though it has its own history, traditions and culture spanning back generations.
What is Tibet?