Grade 6: World of Great Ideas
Grade 5: Hannah and Nicholas
Grade 5 and 6 Questions: Random
Grade 6: Multimedia
Grade 5: Hutterites
The English nurse and mathematician Florence Nightingale invented this type of graph to show statistics on the reasons why soldiers were dying from diseases. Her information provided strong visuals for the people to look at. This helped them to see that fresh air, nutritious food, and cleanliness helped reduce diseases and death.
What is circle graph?
Where from Canada did Hannah and her family originally from?
Where is the United States?
The capital city of British Columbia?
What is Victoria?
Information that is given to you that is based on facts.
What is reliable information?
What term is used to describe when people are being treated badly. Clue: starts with the letter "p".
What is being persecuted?
The idea that people should vote for their governments, was first thought up by the ancient Greeks.
What is democracy?
Hannah was how many years old when her and her family had to leave their home and move to another country?
11 years old
The capital city of Alberta.
What is Edmonton?
What does the term multimedia mean?
Means using more than one form of presentation.
People who decide to not take part in wars and live a peaceful life.
What are pacifists?
This type of hot drink was introduced by the Aztec people of Mexico. Cacao beans grew wild where the Aztecs lived, but the beans were considered so valuable they were used as money.
What is hot chocolate?
When they arrived in Saint John they had to live in what? this was hard on the family because there was melting snow and rain.
What is a tent?
What was Madison and Anna's Multimedia presentation about and where did it originate from?
What is Kimonos and Japan?
Remember you had to choose from a list of how you wanted to present your information? Name four of those choices of multimedia.
Possible answers: written information, music, skits, collages, cartoons, models, videos, art, computer graphics, maps, and graphs.
In 1918, a large number of Hutterites came to Canada to settle. They came to three prairie provinces.
What is Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta?
Type of boat that was invented by the Inuit of Canada's north.
What is a kayak?
What were one of the three foods that the government gave the family when they came to Canada?
What is pork, butter, and flour?
What is the difference between a want and need? Give an example of both.
A want is something that you can have but you can survive without it. A need is something that you cannot survive without. Examples of a need: shelter, food, water, education, clothing, health care, etc. Examples of a want: newest iPhone, jewellery, sport cars, candy, etc.
When people think their culture is better than others.
What is being ethnocentric?
Most Hutterite colonies support themselves through what?
What is farming or agriculture?
This type of simple transportation was first invented and built by the French. It has two wheels and no motor.
What is the bicycle?
Give two examples of a staple food.
Possible Answers: potatoes, rice, flour, tea, cornmeal, pasta, etc.
What does it mean to look at different cultures with a open mind?
Possible Answer: That even if you do not agree with certain traditions or beliefs you still respect and learn more about them.
People of different cultures might live together for some time, accepting they have some differences but when times become difficult, people start to blame others for their problems. Wars start to happen within a country.
What is a civil war?
Fill in the blanks: Hutterites believe that most possessions belong to a ________, not ________.
What is group and individuals?