Name 3 qualities that make a good friend.
honest, loyal, kind, caring, helpful, etc.
Speaks to you with kindness and respect.
Inhaling and exhaling slowly.
Deep breathing
Relaxed (Just Right)
This feeling makes your face red, your fists clenched, and your heart beat faster.
Can you get upset/mad with your friend?
"Go away, no one wants to play with you."
Not good
This coping skill uses numbers.
Counting to 10
While playing basketball at recess, Johnathan became angry when he lost and yelled at the other kids playing. He threw the basketball and walked away.
Reactive (too much)
This feeling can make you cry, and frown.
Can your best friend have other friends?
Yes. Does not make you any less of a friend to them
Tells lies.
Not good
Name the coping skill that removes yourself from the situation.
Taking a break.
Cody overheard his parents arguing. He became upset, went to his room, and listened to music. When he calmed down, he went and told his mom how their arguing makes him sad.
Relaxed (Just right)
You got 100% on your spelling test. Name the feeling.
What do you do/say if your friend says they are upset/sad?
Comfort them, make them laugh, listen to them, etc.
Talks to you calmly when the two of you disagree.
Name the coping skill that uses an adult.
Talking to a trusted adult.
Ana had to take a pop quiz at school. She became panicked and frustrated when she was not able to understand the questions. She put her head down and refused to take the test.
Reluctant (Too little)
You and your parents were supposed to go to the park after school but it's raining. How do you feel?
Sammy only plays with Doug when he is bored and his other friends are busy. Is Sammy a good friend to Doug?
Makes fun of you.
Not good.
Stretching your body
Provide a relaxed response to this scenario: Another student cut you in line when returning to gym. You get mad.
Ex. take deep breaths, tell the student how that made you feel, tell the teacher.
You are going to Disney World for vacation. How would you feel?