True or False: Mental Health is just as important as physical health in a persons overall well being.
True or False: All stress is bad stress
List 3 unhealthy coping skills
Isolating, eating too much or too little, sleeping too much or too little, substance use, avoidance, self harm
Where can you go in school if you need support with your mental health?
School Counselor or Principals Office, Teachers Room, CSE Office (Mrs. Philpott), Middle School Office
Name two states that start with the letter A
Everyone feels nervous or worried sometimes, what's one way to cope with it?
deep breathing, counting to 10, talking about it, taking a walk, writing in a journal, exercising
In what ways can stress be helpful?
Ex. A health amount of stress about a test, may make a student feel motivated to study.
Talking to someone you trust, listening to music, deep breathing, exercising, reading, journaling
How can you make an appointment to see your school counselor/ school psychologist?
Ask a teacher, stop by office on a free period
What is the capital of the United States?
Washington, D.C.
If you know someone in school who is struggling with mental health, you can help by...
Telling a Counselor, Teacher, Principal, or trusted adult.
True or False: When stress is not addressed, it can have harmful impacts on physical well being.
How does deep breathing help make you feel more calm?
Deep breathing relaxes the nervous system
Name 3 people you can reach out to if you need support
Your response
Name 2 Presidents on Mount Rushmore
Roosevelt, Lincoln, Jefferson, Washington
What is stigma?
a set of negative and often unfair beliefs that a society or group of people have about something.
Fight, flight or freeze
What is mindfulness? How can it support mental well being?
Using the 5 senses to be present in the moment, it allows the mind to relax and let go of unhelpful thoughts
What is the phone number for the mental health crisis line?
What are the three branches of the US government?
Executive, Legislative, and Judicial
How can we end mental health stigma?
Sharing our stories, encouraging those around us to talk about their mental well being and seek supports
True or False: Stress that's left unchecked can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure and heart disease
Unhealthy coping skills provide immediate relief, but have negative consequences. Give an example of a negative consequence of a coping skill
Getting in trouble, free time taken away, harming your own mental health
Who do you call if you are having a serious emergency?
Who was the first president of the United States?
George Washington.