Social Health is based on a) Communication OR b) Physical Activity?
a) Communication
What type of "Activity" strengthens your muscles and overall health?
Physical Activity
Name two ways to relieve STRESS at home?
Answers Vary
Concussions are caused by impact to what body structure?
Eating a balanced diet is also called "Proper ________"
You should relieve __________ to feel more at ease and relaxed.
The Consumption of adequate amounts of WATER to maintain proper body function.
What can you do at home/keep clean to prevent illness on a daily basis?
Wash hands
Concussion can be caused by a blow to the head or impact of another body part that is transmitted to the head?
This Organ pumps blood throughout the body?
Humans naturally build ______________ with other humans?
Heart Health is referred to as?
Cardiovascular Health
Engaging in outdoor activities with family members/friends promotes this?
Bonding/Building Relationships
What is the Law Called in Ontario that requires Coaches to remove players if concussion is suspected. It ensures that players will not sustain "Second Impact Syndrome"
Rowans Law
The people in out lives provide us with this type of encouragement?
Social Support
Regular exercise can help reduce this common mental health issue?
Stress & Anxiety