Milgram's AIM
What is to investigate the limits of obedience to authority?
What is the differential effect of the social hormone Oxytocin (OT)?
AIM of Piliavin et al.
What is to study bystander apathy and diffusion of responsibility in a natural setting/effect of 4 variables on helping behavior/being a "Good Samaritan."
What is that behavior, cognitions, and emotions are influenced by social contexts, social environments, and groups?
Hint word Milgram
What is Obedience
Role title of participant in experiment
What is teacher?
IVs of Perry et al. (Including Conditions/Levels)
What are Treatment (OT), Empathy (high/low), & Condition (stranger, authority, friend, ball)?
4 IVs of Piliavin et al. (Including Conditions/Levels)
What are victim TYPE (drunk & ill/cane); victim RACE (black & white); MODEL (early/late & critical/adjacent); Size of Group (naturally-occurring)?
The second assumption of the social approach
What is that behavior, cognitions, and emotions are influenced by the actual, implied, or imagined presence of others?
Hint word Perry et al.
What is Personal space
Results: 1 piece of QUALITATIVE AND 1 piece of QUANTITATIVE data.
What are frequency/severity of shocks & gestures/verbal expressions?
Psychometric tests used in Perry et al.
What are CID (Comfortable Interpersonal Distance) & IRI (Interpersonal Reactivity Index)?
Background on Piliavin et al.
What is the murder of Kitty Genovese & bystander apathy/diffusion of responsibility?
Ways in which we behave as members of a social group
What are social roles?
Hint word Piliavin et al.
What is Subway Samaritan
What are informed consent, right to withdraw, psychological/physical harm
Interactivity effect of TREATMENT & EMPATHY
Explanation of results for Piliavin et al.
Cost-Benefit Model
The influence of a person or group on another person or group
What is social pressure?
A fake treatment disguised as a real one
What is a placebo?
Psychology being investigated
What is destructive obedience?
What is deception in Experiment Two?
Ethical violations of Piliavin et al.
What are informed consent, debriefing, right to withdraw, psychological harm
Issue & Debate 1: Individual & Situational Explanations - separate Milgram, Perry et al., & Piliavin et al. into I or E.
When neither the researcher nor the participant knows whether they are receiving treatment or a placebo, the study is:
What is double-blind?