Social Media Use
Conversational Skills
Social Anxiety

What are boundaries?

Limits and rules that we set for ourselves within relationships


What are 2 reasons we use social media?

Correct answers may include but are not limited to: Liking the attention we may get using it, Because other people may be using it, To learn, For entertainment


What are some things you can say to start a conversation?

-asking someone a question

-giving the person a compliment

-introducing yourself


Name two physical symptoms often associated with anxiety.

Heart racing, sweaty palms, flushed face, dizzy/lightheaded, stomachaches 


What is trust? 

It means that you feel that you can count on each other and that the other person will be there for you. 

You feel that you can say anything to that person and they will understand you and also that they will not tell anyone else.


Name 2 reasons for why boundaries are important.

-They allow us to feel safe & supported

-Without boundaries, we may feel taken advantage of and/or intruded upon

-Without boundaries, it can lead to resentment, hurt, and anger in relationships


What could you do if someone comments something offensive on your instagram post?

Correct answers could include but are not limited to: Delete the comment, Block the account, Ignore it

What is an open-ended question? Give an example.

A question that elicits more than a one-word response.

Example) What is your favorite hobby, and why?


What is social anxiety? (Two main components) 

Fear of social situations in which EMBARRASSMENT may occur and/or there is a risk of being NEGATIVELY EVALUATED by others


What is 1 way we can know if a person is trustworthy?

Correct answers may include but are not limited to

-They have been there for you through a tough time

-They keep your secrets safe

-They are supportive and listen to you

-They respect your boundaries


What are 2 things we should do when communicating our boundaries to others?

-be direct, specific, and respectful about your wants, needs, and limits

-use I-statements to express them


Name 2 cons of social media use

Correct answers can include but are not limited to: Less emotional connections with others, Unrealistic views of others' lives, Can be addicting or distracting, Can cause drama or conflicts with others, Can lead to bullying or rumor spreading, Can receive inaccurate information


What are 2 ways that you can show someone you are listening to them?

-eye contact


-not interrupting them


What is an example of a coping skill you can use when feeling anxious

- Deep breathing 

- Progressive muscle relaxation 

- Using coping statements 

- Focusing your senses (5 things you can see, 4 things you can feel, etc.)


What is 1 quality of an unhealthy relationship?

Correct answers may include but are not limited to

-Peer Pressure

-Saying Hurtful Things



What are 3 different ways that someone may disrespect a boundary?

  • Forgetting your boundaries

  • Intentionally breaking your boundaries

  • Coercive behaviors/language (Trying to pressure you to change your boundaries)


What are 2 negative outcomes of cyberbullying?

Answers can include but are not limited to: Negative self-image, Avoidance of school, Avoidance of peers, Humiliation, Feeling unsafe, Self-isolation, Depression, Anxiety



You are working on a group project. And while you are sharing your idea, one member interrupts you. 

How would you handle this situation?

You could say, “Excuse me, I would like to finish explaining my idea. And then I’d be happy to listen to yours.”


Provide an example of a safety behavior you may use to avoid anxiety when socializing with a group of people. 

- Checking your phone 

- Not talking at all 

- Avoiding eye contact 


What is 1 positive outcome of trusting others?

Correct answers may include but are not limited to

-Gaining or building close relationships with others 


How can you handle someone disrespecting your boundaries?

-communicate how it makes you feel

-if it happens repeatedly, reevaluate the relationship


What are 2 ways you can be extra safe on social media?

Correct answers can include but are not limited to: Not posting explicit content, Not sharing your location with others, Not accepting friends or follows from people you don't know



You're at school dismissal and you're having a conversation with your friend. Your parent/guardian came to pick you up. 

How can you end the conversation with your friend?

Wrap up the conversation by saying, "My parent is here. It was nice talking to you. I'll see you tomorrow."


Scenario: Katie is getting ready to give a presentation to her class and is beginning to feel anxious (e.g. heart racing, sweaty palms). Name a THOUGHT that Katie may have that would indicate she is experiencing social anxiety.  

"Everyone is going to judge me." 

"I am going to say something wrong." 

"I am going to embarrass myself." 


Explain what low, medium, and high risk pieces of information means 

Different levels of comfortability in sharing information with someone in the beginning of your relationship vs what you’d want to share later on 
