Understanding Emotions
Conversation Skills
Growth Mindset

(Role Play): Pretend you are a teacher. A student looks sad during class. What could you say to check in with them?

“Hey, you look a little upset. Is everything okay?”


What is one thing you should do when someone is talking to you?

Look at them and listen without interrupting.


What does it mean to be flexible in a situation?

It means being okay with changes and trying new things.


What is the difference between saying “I can’t do this” and “I can’t do this yet”?

“Yet” means you’re still learning and can get better.


What does self-esteem mean?

It’s how much you like and believe in yourself.


How can you tell if someone might be feeling frustrated?

They might sigh, cross their arms, or say something in an angry tone.


(Role Play): Pretend you are talking to a new student at school. Start the conversation with a question.

Ex. “Hi! What’s your favorite thing to do at recess?”


Role Play): Your friend wants to play a game, but you want to play something else. Show us how you can solve the problem by being flexible.

“Let’s play your game first, and then we’ll play mine!”


(Role Play): Pretend you’re practicing a new skill (like learning to draw or riding a bike) and keep messing up. Show us how you would talk to yourself to stay positive.

“It’s okay to mess up! I’ll keep practicing, and I’ll get better.”


Why is it important to ask for help when you need it?

So you can learn and solve problems instead of feeling stuck.


(Role Play): Your friend is excited to tell you about their weekend, but you’re feeling really tired. Show us how you can listen and still be kind.

nodding, smiling, and saying, “That sounds cool! Tell me more!”


What does a “conversation stoplight” mean, and why is it important?

Green means go (talk), yellow means think before you talk, and red means stop if someone else is talking.


Why is being flexible helpful when working on a group project?

It helps everyone get along and finish the project faster.


Why is making mistakes important when you’re learning something new?

Mistakes help you figure out what to fix and how to improve.


(Role Play): Pretend you don’t understand your homework. Show us how you would ask your teacher for help.

“Excuse me, I’m not sure how to do this. Can you explain it again?”


Why is it important to notice how other people are feeling?

It helps us be good friends, solve problems, and know how to act in different situations.


(Role Play): Someone is talking about a video game you don’t play. Show us how you can make a connected comment to keep the conversation going

“I’ve never played that, but it sounds fun! What’s your favorite part?”


(Role Play): Your favorite class activity is canceled because of bad weather. Show us how you could stay flexible and suggest a new idea.

“That’s okay! Can we play a game inside instead?”


Share an example of a time when you didn’t give up, even though something was hard.

Students give their own example, like learning to swim or finishing a hard puzzle.


Share three things you’re really good at.

drawing, being a good friend, or playing soccer.


(Role Play): A classmate is scared to try the monkey bars at recess. Show us how you could encourage them.

“You can do it! I’ll go first, and you can try next.”


Why is it important to take turns talking and listening in a conversation?

So everyone feels heard, and the conversation doesn’t feel one-sided.


What’s one time you had to change your plan but ended up having a good time anyway?

Share an example, like going to a different park or playing a new game at a party.


(Role Play): Your friend is frustrated because they can’t tie their shoes. Show us how you would help them have a growth mindset

“You’re so close! Keep trying, and I can help if you want.”


(Role Play): You’re feeling left out because your friends didn’t include you in a game. Show us how you could stand up for yourself in a kind way.

“Hey, can I play too? I’d really like to join.”
