Typing and sending an email is an example of this type of Communication.
What is written communication?
Give an example of body language using your arms. (You can demonstrate)
What is folding them?
This is something that is completely made up.
What is fiction?
All conversations (should) have this many parts.
What is 3?
This is how you know if someone is not paying attention to what you are saying or has lost interest.
What is looking away, not responding, not answering questions?
Speaking out loud to a friend or a teacher is an example of this type of communication.
What is verbal communication.
Give an example of body language using your face. (You can demonstrate)
What is looking away, smiling, frowning?
This is something that we can guess based on the information we have.
What is a prediction?
This is how conversations begin.
What is a greeting? Give an example.
Hygiene is important because.
Give two examples (clean, won't get sick, won't smell).
When we communicate without speaking or writing we are using this type of communication.
What is non-verbal communication.
If I have my head down on my arms during class what 2 things might by body language be telling you?
This is something that is true that most or all people can agree upon.
What is a fact?
This is the part of a conversation where information is shared.
What are exchanges. Typically a full conversation has about how many?
True or false, I don't need to communicate with people I don't like.
What is false?
This is an example of non-verbal communication.
What is facial expression and body language?
What is no?
Double Jeopardy How can you find out?
The children seemed very excited to be at school today is likely an example of what.
What is a prediction?
This is the part of a conversation that ends it.
What is a closing? Give an example.
Communication happens here.
This is an example of written communication.
What is typing, texting, writing?
Non-verbal communication is especially important because....
What is...we can't always speak or write, we communicate ALL THE TIME using our body and face?
The school bus drove sideways all the way to school today is an example of what?
What is fiction?
Give two examples of a way to appropriately change a conversation and say when it's ok to do so.
Accept reasonable answers: Hey that was interesting did you hear.... Do you mind if I change the conversation to.....
It is important to understand the difference between facts and our predictions because
What is we base our behaviors on what we observe in our environment. If we mis-read a situation we might make a bad choice.