Harlow’s experiment studied attachment using these primates.
What are rhesus monkeys?
This psychologist developed the Strange Situation experiment to study infant attachment.
Who is Mary Ainsworth?
This parenting style is characterized by high warmth and high control, leading to children with high self-esteem and good social skills.
What is authoritative parenting?
This phenomenon occurs when certain animals form strong attachments during a critical period early in life.
What is imprinting?
Harlow’s research challenged the idea that attachment is based solely on this biological need.
What is food?
The Strange Situation experiment observes how infants react to these two key events.
What are separation and reunion?
This parenting style is marked by high control but low warmth, often leading to obedient but anxious children.
What is authoritarian parenting?
This ethologist is famous for studying imprinting in geese, showing they would follow the first moving object they saw.
Who is Konrad Lorenz?
In his study, baby monkeys preferred the cloth mother over the wire mother, proving the importance of this psychological need.
What is comfort (or security)?
A securely attached infant will show this reaction when their caregiver leaves and this reaction when they return.
What is mild distress and happy reunion?
This parenting style, associated with low control and high warmth, often results in impulsive and immature children.
What is permissive parenting?
Unlike human attachment, imprinting is considered this type of learning, meaning it is permanent and difficult to reverse.
What is irreversible (or fixed-action pattern)?
Harlow’s work provided strong evidence for this theory, which emphasizes the emotional bond between a child and caregiver.
What is attachment theory?
An infant with avoidant attachment displays this behavior when the caregiver leaves and returns.
What is little to no distress and avoiding the caregiver upon return?
This is the least effective parenting style, marked by low warmth and low control, often leading to emotional and behavioral issues.
What is neglectful (or uninvolved) parenting?
Imprinting typically occurs during this specific time window in an animal’s development.
What is the critical period?
Monkeys raised without maternal care showed these long-term effects, similar to human children raised without proper emotional support.
What are social and emotional deficits?
This attachment style is characterized by extreme distress upon separation and difficulty being comforted upon reunion.
What is the anxious attachment style?
This factor plays a key role in determining a parent’s style and can vary based on the parent’s own upbringing, beliefs, and culture.
What is a parenting approach?
While birds imprint visually, some mammals, like deer and sheep, imprint primarily using this sense.
What is smell?