Social Dilemmas
Conflict Resolution
Recognizing Manipulation
Setting Boundaries
Positive Communication

Your friend wants to copy your homework. What should you do?

Politely say no and suggest you can help them understand the material instead.


Your friend accidentally bumps into you and doesn't apologize. What should you do?

Calmly tell your friend that they bumped into you and that it hurt your feelings.


A friend tells you that if you don't lend them money, they won't be your friend anymore. What should you recognize about this situation?

This is manipulation. A real friend wouldn't threaten to end the friendship over money.


A friend asks to borrow your phone but you feel uncomfortable sharing it. What should you say?

Politely say, "I'm not comfortable lending my phone. Sorry."


When greeting someone for the first time, what is a polite way to start the conversation?

Smile, make eye contact, and say, "Hi, my name is [Your Name]. Nice to meet you!"


You see someone being bullied at school. What is the best way to handle this situation?

Inform a teacher or trusted adult about what you witnessed.


You and your sibling both want to watch different TV shows at the same time. What is a fair way to resolve this conflict?

Take turns choosing shows or agree on a show you both like to watch together.


Someone at school is always asking you for favors but never helps you in return. What might this behavior indicate?

This could be a sign that they are taking advantage of your kindness without offering anything in return.


Someone at a party keeps standing too close to you, making you feel uncomfortable. How can you set a boundary?

Politely but firmly say, "Could you please give me some space?"


How can you show someone that you are listening to them during a conversation?

Make eye contact, nod occasionally, and respond with comments or questions related to what they're saying.


You promised to hang out with a friend, but now you don't feel like it. What should you do?

Communicate honestly with your friend and try to reschedule for another time.


A classmate takes your favorite pencil without asking and refuses to give it back. How should you handle this situation?

Politely ask your classmate to return the pencil and explain that it's important to ask for permission before taking things.


A classmate tries to make you feel guilty for not sharing your lunch with them, even though you don't have enough for yourself. What should you recognize?

This is a form of emotional manipulation. You shouldn't feel guilty for taking care of your own needs first.


A friend wants to hang out every day, but you need some time alone to recharge. How can you set a boundary without hurting their feelings?

Explain that you need some time for yourself and suggest specific days to hang out instead.


Your friend did something that upset you. How can you communicate your feelings positively?

Use "I" statements, like "I felt upset when you did that because..." instead of blaming them.


You borrowed something from a friend and accidentally broke it. What is the right thing to do?

Apologize to your friend, explain what happened, and offer to replace or repair the item.


During a group project, one team member isn't doing their share of the work. How can you address this problem?

Have a group discussion to divide the tasks fairly and express how important it is for everyone to contribute equally.


A friend insists that you do something you're uncomfortable with and tells you that "everyone else is doing it." What tactic are they using?

They are using peer pressure to manipulate you into doing something you don't want to do.


A classmate often interrupts you when you're talking. How can you address this and set a boundary?

Politely say, "I'd appreciate it if you let me finish speaking before you respond."


In a group discussion, how can you ensure everyone's ideas are heard and respected?

Encourage everyone to share their thoughts, listen without interrupting, and acknowledge each person's contribution.


Your classmates are gossiping about another student, and they ask for your opinion. How should you respond?

Avoid participating in the gossip and suggest talking about something else, or express that it's not nice to talk about others behind their backs.


You and your best friend had a misunderstanding and now you're both upset. What's the best way to resolve this conflict?

Have a calm and honest conversation about what happened, listen to each other's perspectives, and work together to find a solution and apologize if necessary.


Someone keeps giving you compliments to get you to do their work for them. How can you recognize this form of manipulation?

They are using flattery to manipulate you into doing something for them. It's important to recognize that genuine compliments don’t come with strings attached.


A family member often goes through your personal belongings without asking. How can you set a clear boundary about your privacy?

Have a direct conversation with them, saying, "I need you to respect my privacy and ask for permission before going through my things."


You disagree with someone's opinion during a class discussion. How can you express your disagreement respectfully?

Start by acknowledging their point of view, then explain your perspective using calm and respectful language, like "I see what you're saying, but I think..."
