Self Awareness
Social Awareness
Relationship Skills
Self Management
Decision Making

You are having a conversation with your friend. Suddenly she says something you don't like. What do you do?

WHAT is address that you did not like what she said AND that you are walking away. 


You see yourself struggling with a math problem, but you have options. What are some of your options?

What is ask your teacher for help and wait patiently

What is ask a well behaved classmate for help

What is look at someone else working the problem and see if you can do something differently to solve the problem


How do you recognize a good friend?

WHAT is someone who doesn't hurt your feelings

WHAT is someone you can trust

WHAT is someone who is respectful

WHAT is someone who has good habits


According to psychology today, Daily Mantras helps improve your mood. What are 4 powerful things you can say to yourself to improve your mood?

(Mantras are Words that can help you relax or focus)

WHAT IS..... I am powerful

WHAT IS ...The best is yet to come

WHAT IS......With practice I will get better

WHAT IS ..... With patience I will get what I deserve


What are some ways we can become better decision makers?

What is analyze the problem or situation

What is brainstorm possible options

What is listen to your inner voice

What is ask parents for help


You had a rough day and you feel tired and don't have much energy What can you do?

WHAT is write in a journal

What is listen to music

What is workout

What is ride your bike


Before you say something you don't want to say you should?

What is you should think before you speak


How do you know if someone values you?

What is they listen when you speak

What is they respect your opinion

What is they like what you say


A person with good self management skills is able to 

What is choose positive activities to change how they feel

What is control their anger

What is not throwing things on the floor and hitting others


You need to study for a test. You haven't done to well in math. You see your ipad and suddenly you have an urge to play on your ipad. What do you do?

What is study for your test, and ask your mom if you can play with your ipad later


You see a student disrupting class and it is really disturbing you. What do you do?

What is...

Allow the teacher to take action.

What is tell scholar in a respectful way that he is disturbing class.


When one of your friends does something that bothers you. You should keep it inside? Yes or No

What is No. Always discuss your feelings. Holding on to what you have to say brings stress and anxiety. 


What are some questions you can ask to a classmate in order to create a conversation?

What is...... 

What super power you wish you had?

Have you done anything exciting lately?

What made you smile today?

Are you a cat person or dog person?

What is one thing you can't live without?

What are some activities you like? 

What are some games you like?

What are your favorite foods?


Can you control something that is not in your control? What is yes or no

What is NO


What type of questions can we ask in order to solve problems

What is ...








Why should you become a better decision maker?

What is shows leadership

What is learning how to deal with conflict

What is better management of emotions

What is build decision making skills


What are some social signals (body language)  we can use to let someone know that we are paying attention? 

What is make eye contact

What is demonstrate good body language

What is smile


What are somethings you can do to help build better friendships?

What is show that you care

What is use calm voice

What is ask questions


Can eating nutritious foods and exercising help with managing yourself? What is yes or no?

What is yes


If someone is not happy with your decision what can you do?

What is you can communicate with your friend to come up with a better solution

How can we get better managing our emotions?

What is We can label our emotions. Remember our emotions come and go. It helps us understand why we feel the way we feel, and we can provide an alternative to the feeling?


You see your class mate struggling with a math problem. He or she begins to feel anxious? What do you do FIRST? 

What is ask the teacher if you can help the student?


What are somethings you can do to help build a better relationship with your teacher?

What is you can help control your voice level

What is you can ask your teacher if he needs help with an assignment or project

What is be respectful

What is be the best student you can be!


Will having goals help manage your behavior? What is yes or no?

What is yes


What happens when you make the decision to say something negative or rude to someone else

What is you hurt persons feelings

What is you are putting them down

What is not showing leadership

What is not making the person better
