True or False
Situational Response
Multiple Choice

True or False - holding in your frustrations and dealing with them yourself is a practical way to channeling your emotions. 



Is the following response a great way to reconstruct our emotional wellbeing?

Marcey realized that her date was canceled, so she shut her phone off, shut the lights off in her apartment, and went to bed crying. 

No - Marcey could have called her date and rescheduled it, or she could have planned another activity for the evening. Not all negative moments are worth damaging our emotional wellbeing. Crying is always okay, but Marcey could have communicated with someone so she wasn't alone with her thoughts. 


Which is NOT a good response to receiving an insult about your cooking:

a - Asking your peers why they didn't like it

b - Offering to touch up the meal with some seasoning

c - Deciding not to try it yourself and throwing away your plate

d - Trying the food yourself and making your own judgement in it

C - always make an opinion! Everyone has their own beliefs, thoughts, and opinions 


True or False - Barbra responded appropriately to Phoenix:

Phoenix: Barb, I am so tired of you using all of the laundry detergent. I never have enough to do my load.

Barbra: Pheonix...go buy some yourself! That isn't my problem!

False. Barba did not recognize Phoenix's frustrations and rather "added to the fire". 

This definitely led to further argumentation. 


Is the following response a great way to reconstruct our emotional wellbeing?

When noticing that his friends are no longer available to go on vacation, Billy decided to ask his family members/other friend group to attend instead.  He would have gone on his own. 

Yes - Billy did not allow one halt to stop him from going on a vacation he has obviously been planning. Sometimes roadblocks come up in life, but we just need to find a way around them. 


Which strategy will NOT help you work through frustrations:

a - talking with the peer who is causing the frustrations cool, calm, and collectively

b - removing yourself from the negative environment to give yourself time to process a response or plan of action

c - validating the feelings of the person frustrating you

d - calling a friend to communicate about the frustrations 

C - do not validate negative confrontation, especially when it is at your own well being. 


True or False - Rebecca appropriately redirected Marcus's negative comment:

- Marcus: Rebecca, your shirt is so distasteful. Why would you even wear that?

- Rebecca: Well, I really like this shirt, and my friend Sam has said she likes me in this shirt, as well. 

True - Rebecca reminded herself that she is in control of how she feels about her personal wellbeing. She also used a memory to assist. 


Which individual made the appropriate redirection? 

Ever since the accident at Thanksgiving Marcus hasn't talked to his family. Every time they call, he hangs up the phone. Eventually, his sister Landra came over in person to see him. They talked about everything, which eventually led Marcus to realize that mistakes happen and communicating about your feelings makes every conflict less towering. 



Which response is the best way to handle the following situation:

You are not happy with the home health aide that arrived to your property - the aide does not seem to be confident with the plan of care.

a - kick the aide out and tell them to leave immediately 

b - call your home healthcare agency to talk with the aide and walk them through the plan of care again

c - ignore the aide and allow nothing to get done

d - ask the aide what it is that they are confused or not confident with

b - opening up avenues of communication will take a situation that could turn out negative and result in a positive outcome.


True or False:

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is not something you can practice every day. 

False. You can practice SEL with a friend, a group, or even by yourself. 


Which individual resolved their conflict in the most appropriate fashion:

While being goofy and sarcastic, Cassandra and Latrice made Gerald clean up after them while at his family's house for dinner. There is sauce all over their tables and crumbs all over the floor. Gerald was very upset with how Cassandra and Latrice treated him in front of his family. Cassandra and Latrice laughed at Gerald as he tried to vent with them so he could at least let them know how they made him feel. Cassandra and Latrice left Gerald out to dry, while Gerald decided to give himself some time to reflect on the people he surrounds himself and his family with. 



Which of the following best describes self-awareness?

  1. A. Recognizing and understanding one’s own emotions, strengths, and areas for growth.
  2. B. Understanding and empathizing with the perspectives and feelings of others.
  3. C. Regulating one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in different situations.
  4. D. Making ethical and constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions.

A. Recognizing and understanding one’s own emotions, strengths, and areas for growth.


True or False - Domonique handled the situation responsibly:

Domonique stopped to think about what Carson just said to her. She eventually turned around, yelled a fair share of words at Carson, and then removed herself from the situation. 

False - Yes, Domonique stopped to think and eventually removed herself from the situation, but there was no need to yell at Carson. That could only make matters worse. 


Was Reggie in the right for how he handled the situation with Tanya?

Tanya, I am exhausted. I know that you are upset and want to talk, but I am not capable of having such a conversation right now. When I am well rested, we can continue this conversation. 

Yes. Reggie took into account that he was not in the right mindset to have this conversation. He validated Tanya's feeling and ensured there will be a future time to discuss the situation further. 


What does responsible decision-making involve?

  1. A. Recognizing and understanding one’s own emotions, strengths, and areas for growth.
  2. B. Understanding and empathizing with the perspectives and feelings of others.
  3. C. Regulating one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in different situations.
  4. D. Making ethical and constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions.

D. Making ethical and constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions.
