True or False: Labeling your emotions is an important step in self-awareness.
True or False: stress can affect our bodies physically as well as mentally.
Eye brows pointed down/close together
Lips tightly pressed together
What is an Emotion?
How you feel about something, deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.
The ability to accurately recognize one’s emotions and thoughts and their influence on behavior.
self awareness
What are emotional triggers? Give me an example.
People, things, or events that cause you to have a strong emotional reaction. (Example: Making loud noises while I'm trying to focus.)
Why is it important to write down our goals?
It will help you think about them more specifically and can help you remember them.
Teeth possibly showing. Corners of the mouth pointing up. Eye squinting.
Excited or happy :)
What is another word for self aware?
What are some bodily signs you're becoming annoyed or angry?
rolling eyes, sighing, tight fist, staring, finger tapping, etc
Using "I statements" is important when you're letting people know how you feel. Change this statement: "You’re making me angry!" into an "I statement".
I'm feeling angry right now.
What are some physical symptoms of stress?
Stomach ache, chest pain, breathing fast, sweating, headache.
Shaky hands or voice. Biting nails. Pale complexion. Possibly, expressionless.
Anxious or worried
This is how people feel when someone is talking over them or showing little social manners.
Annoyed or disrespected
Values to live by or to keep you on track morally.
What are positive personal values? Give an example.
Values are principles and standards that guide our behavior and the way we live. Things that are important to us (i.e. Honesty, Family, Courage, etc.)
List three ways you can cope with stress or negative feelings.
Talk to a friend or adult; make or listen to music, draw, exercise, etc.
Useless. Unmotivated and/or drained of energy.
Exhaustion or burn out
Why is deep breathing used as a coping skill when you are having strong negative feelings?
Helps us regulate our emotions and gives us time to cool off; Sends oxygen to our brain and helps us think better.
Personal boundaries are guidelines, rules or limits that a person creates to identify reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to behave towards them and how they will respond when someone passes those limits.
What is self-awareness?
Knowing yourself and what you think, feel, and believe.
What is self-management?
Taking responsibility for your own well-being and behavior; Knowing how to deal with your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.
Focused. Doesn't give up easily. Goal achiever.
What does it mean to "walk in the other person's shoes" and why is it important?
Understanding how another person thinks and feels about a situation. It helps us see things from another person's point of view. Also known as 'empathizing' with someone.
Characteristics of self awareness
Knowing your own triggers, Knowing your strengths and weaknesses, Mindfulness, Empathy