Healthy Relationships
Resolving Conflict

True or False: All emotions are normal, no matter how good or bad they might feel. 

TRUE! All emotions are normal and part of being a human. All people feel every single emotion at least once in a while!


What is self-esteem?

How a person feels about themselves based on their beliefs and opinions of themselves. 


What is compassion?

Caring for others, treating them with kindness, and wanting to help people in need. 


True or False: There is only one right way to solve a problem. 

FALSE! The right way to solve a problem depends on each individual situation. What might work in one conflict might be wrong for another conflict!


What is responsibility?

A duty or obligation to do something. 

Being dependable, making good choices, and taking accountability for our actions. 

The ways in which we take care of ourselves and do our part in our home/school/community. 


True or False: Can we control our emotions?

FALSE! This is a trick question: No! We cannot control our emotions. They come and go naturally based on what happens to us. The only thing we can control are our ACTIONS or REACTIONS to our emotions!


What can happen if we have low self-esteem/confidence?

Negative feelings about ourselves, feelings of stress and sadness, isolating ourselves from friends or hanging out with bad influences, aggression, make bad choices. 


Name at least three different people we have relationships with: 

Friends, family, classmates, neighbors, teachers, etc. 


Give two different examples of unhealthy conflict resolution: 

Bullying, ignoring, being defensive, cutting someone off/not letting them talk, hostile body language, isolating, running away, yelling, mean words, etc. 


What is peer pressure?

When people try to get you to do something or act a certain way, usually in a negative way. 


What could happen if we bottle up our emotions?

We might explode!

The problem won't go away, it might even get worse if we try to bottle up our bad feelings!


What are positive affirmations?

The things we say to ourselves to give ourselves a boost and help improve our confidence!


What are boundaries?

Social rules we have for our relationships that help us feel comfortable and communicate with others how we want to be treated. 


Name at least two strategies you can use to communicate in a healthy way when you are in conflict:

Body language

Eye contact

Clarify by asking questions 

No interrupting 

Take turns talking 

Be respectful


True or False: Do we get rewarded for being responsible?

TRUE! It may not be obvious right away, but there is always a positive consequence to being responsible. Sometimes you just have to really think about it!


Why is it important to tell others how we are feeling?

Because we cannot read people's minds! Sharing our emotions with others helps to avoid misunderstandings, reduce stress, get help, and build stronger relationships. 


What does diversity mean and why is it important?

Diversity refers to the differences we all have that make us unique and special. Diversity is important because it makes us who we are and we should be proud of what makes us unique!


What is gratitude and why is it important? 

Feeling thankful for the good things in life and showing appreciation to others. It is important for us to show gratitude and appreciation to those we care about to help build and maintain strong relationships. 


What is an I-Statement? 

A way to clearly communicate our feelings to others in a healthy way without blaming others. 

"I feel....when.....next time....."


What are three healthy ways to deal with a bully?

Stand up to the bully

Walk away

Get help from a trusted adult


What are coping skills? 

Bonus 100 points if you can name 3!

The things we do to help deal with (cope) with what we have going on in our lives and help to make ourselves feel better when we are down. 


What is resilience? 

The ability to get back up when we are knocked down. To cope and adapt when something bad happens to us. 


What is empathy?

The ability to understand and share the feelings of others. (The ability for us to walk in someone else's shoes to understand how they are thinking or feeling)


Name one of the three main reasons for conflict: 


Difference in opinion 



What does it mean to be a bystander to bullying?

Someone who sees or knows bullying is happening, but does nothing to stop it. 
