Lion's Quest, Art, Music, SCOPE Magazine
Social Skills
Coping Skills

This part of the SELF model includes physical, psychological, social and moral. We need to practice this in the community, at home, and responding to violence. 

What is Safety


There were a few SCOPE stories we read and watched that highlighted this animal as a big help to humans in many life-saving events. This animal can cheer us up, listen to our problems, bring water to troops, find people in natural disasters and much more. 

What are dogs? 


We work every day on the golden rule which is___ 

What is treating others the way you want to be treated?


I create one of these to help me stay safe when I am in Hopewell and can definitely use this when I am at home or in the community. It reminds me of all the things I like to do, or it has words that remind me I can stay safe. Maybe it has stickers or a picture that make me feel happy and help to regulate my emotions and body. 

What is a Safety Plan?


In A boy called Bat, this boy had Autism, but was interested in taking very good care of this animal. 

What is a skunk kit?


We work to recognize these and manage in non harmful ways.

What is Emotion


We learned about what this is called in music. 

What is a quarter note? 


I feel _____ when you _____ because _______ What I would like you to do instead is _______ 

What is an "I feel statement?" 


This area is used to help us calm down in the room and it's in the blue area outside of the room.

What is the safe space? 


Addy, Michael, and Karl are siblings and they meet this character and go on adventures. 

Who is Stillwater the Giant Panda?


Acknowledge grieving and trauma related to people, grades, fun activities, or goals. Knowing this helps us plan for the future. 

What is Loss


In a Lion's Quest lesson, we talked about people in the community that have important jobs to help us stay safe. We named Police Officers, Firemen, Social Workers, Counselors, Teachers, and more.

What are community helpers? 


Making eye contact, nodding, acknowledging what the person said are examples of this.

What are active listening skills? 


This can be walking, yoga, dancing, drawing and many others. 

What are movement activities?


This little kid is in the graveyard and he's alive but can talk and see ghosts. 

Who is Bod or Nobody Owens? 


Creating or restoring hope with discussions about short term and long term.

What is Future


We created our own version of this artist's portrait in Art with Mr. E. 

Who is Picasso?


Without them using words, we can tell how someone is feeling based on their facial expression, how they sit or stand, what they're doing with hands or feet. 

What is body language?


Leaving the group to take deep breaths, draw, walk, or finish my work and usually just outside the room. 

What is taking time away from the group? 


This kid kept going to the other neighborhood during a time where whites and blacks were separated.

Who is Maniac Magee?


This object helps us remember Safety, Emotion, Loss, and Future known as the SELF _______ 

What is Compass? 


In this SCOPE article we learned about how this is important for our brains to grow, reflect on feelings and experiences, and take a break from technology. It is okay to be this sometimes! 

What is boredom? 


I can be part of the core group and our staff encourages us to do this by following directions, working on our own goal, encouraging peers to stay safe, support our friends, and make needs known appropriately. 

What is helping the group? 


It is important to identify these between me and my peers because we can remember them when I get frustrated with them. 

What do we have in common? 

A Tale Dark & Grimm had the author talking to us throughout the story and encouraging us to make sure no kids were around and when the author talks to the reader is called this. 

What is breaking the fourth wall? 
