When you ask somebody if they are willing to do something with you, you are asking if they give this
what is consent
This type of communication happens with body language, gestures, and posture vs. this type of communication which uses words, tone, pace, and mood of talking.
What is non-verbal vs. verbal ?
This manipulation tactic is used in a confrontation (usually somebody is seeking an apology for something done wrong) and often deflects the conversation so that the confronter must apologize for the confrontation. It sounds like, "I guess I can't do anything right!" or "I am so sorry you are stuck with a bad partner"
What is playing the victim?
While most people think this tactic sounds like, "you either choose me or [something]," it can also sound like, "if you really love me, you would do [something] for me."
What is an ultimatum?
This space online includes your personal details and posts that are locked away from people to whom you did not give access vs. this space online where people interact and witness what is universally shared.
What are private vs. public ?
According to New York State's website on Teen Dating Abuse Awareness and Prevention, what one thing is essential to a healthy relationship?
What is honesty / trust / respect / communication?
When dealing with mistreatment from someone, this type of communicator may accept it but will hold a grudge and retaliate covertly vs. this type of communicator who may react immediately with anger and conflict.
Who are passive-aggressive vs. aggressive ?
This manipulation tactic aims to discredit a person by making it seem like their reaction or experience is exaggerated, dramatic, overblown, and bombastic. It can sound like, "stop overreacting!" or, more subtly, "maybe you're getting carried away with this?"
What is minimizing?
This tactic can sound like, "something is wrong with you-- you need help," but can also sound like "maybe if you weren't like this, these things wouldn't happen to you."
What is victim-blaming?
This act (which could be criminal) involves the publishing of private information, like someone's name and address, in a public space online. This is done often with the intent to expose that person to danger from strangers online.
What is doxxing?
When someone in a relationship is feeling less than confident that their partner has the same attention, devotion, or passion for the relationship as they do, they might be feeling this.
What is insecure?
This type of communicator usually "adds" on in a conversation by sharing a personal experience or related story vs. this type of communicator, who tends to affirm what's been said or ask questions to get more details.
Who are "builders" vs. "maintainers"?
This type of manipulative behavior looks like a person showing excessive affection, attention, and displays of romance (like flattery or gift-giving) that can influence someone into being in a relationship with them. It can sound like, "I know we just met, but I think we're soulmates."
What is lovebombing?
Being _______________ is a tactic that aims to diminish someone's confidence by making them feel less-than or undeserving of dignity. It can sound like, "I didn't think you were capable of understanding [something]."
What is patronizing / condescending ?
This type of online behavior aims to mock, belittle, insult, or denigrate another person online, but it can grow to affect a person "IRL" (in real life) as well. More heinous cases can involve publishing compromising media (photos, videos, data) of somebody with the intent to ostracize them.
What is cyberbullying?
When you have these, there is a mutual understanding of what is and is not an acceptable set of behaviors for you and your partner to maintain and continue your relationship together.
what are boundaries?
This type of communicator loves to willingly share in a conversation vs. this type of communicator that tends to only respond to prompts and questions in a conversation.
Who are "volunteers" vs. "invite-onlys"?
This manipulation tactic aims to belittle confidence by comparing someone to a third person to create drama, foster a hostile environment, or to pressure you into doing things you wouldn’t otherwise do. It can sound like, "why can't you be more like [someone else]?" or "I should have believed what [someone else] said about you."
What is triangulation?
This tactic also aims to diminish confidence by negating a person's efforts to contribute to the relationship and can sound like, "I never asked you to do that for me."
What is non-recognition?
This type of behavior is when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them. This is a behavior "IRL" and online, too.
Hint: it's not just a word for cleaning your pet
What is grooming?
This five-letter word means the mistreatment of a person, and can come in verbal, physical, emotional, and sexual forms--as well as others.
What is abuse?
This type of communicator might make a request even if the answer is no (and they are OK with that) vs. this type of communicator will only ask for a favor if they're expecting the answer will be yes.
Who are "askers" vs. "guessers"?
This manipulation tactic is used to "turn the tables" of a transgression and "flip the script" so that the one accountable is actually you. It sounds like, "you made me do this to you!"
What is shifting the blame?
This type of manipulative behavior works by making the target doubt their own credibility, claiming they "are insane" or experienced something "incorrectly." It can be more subtle, however, and sound like, "why are you here if you think I'm so terrible?"
What is gaslighting?
Name three things you would give as advice to a child about being safe online.
- never post or trade personal pictures
- never reveal personal info like address, phone number, or school name or location
- use only a screen name and don't share passwords
- never agree to get together in person with anyone met online without parent supervision
- never respond to a threatening email, message, post, or text
- always tell a parent about any communication or conversation that was scary or hurtful