Early Chapters
Vocab words!!!
People?? Places?? Things??

How do the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Mi'kmaq include women in important leadership roles?

a) Women contribute to important decision making.

b) They play a role constructing permanent homes.

c) They work together to share benefits.

d) Societies are patriarchal.

a) Women contribute to important decision making.


What is meant by “imperialism”? Give an example.

a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force. 

British Expansion is a major example. 


Why did France want to expand their empire? Give three reasons.

1. Spread religion (Catholicism) 

2. Money/Power by spreading out resources

3. Glory!!!

(thx Ava, Sana, and Aditya) 


Which of the following IS a reason for the Maritime colonies wanting to join Confederation?

a) They were worried about having very little say in government

b) They would be connected to the rest of the nation through a transportation system

c) They wanted to share their wealth with the rest of Canada from their “Golden Age”

d) They wanted increased protection and rights for the First Nations in the area

b) They would be connected to the rest of the nation through a transportation system


When was Canada created? 

July 1, 1867


Explain what a hunter/gatherer society is...

A society that hunts and gathers for food, rather than farm it. 


Who were the “Coureurs' de Bois”? What is another term for them?

Runner/s of the Woods. 

They were traders from New France who used canoes to travel and trade.  


Which of the following people was NOT a key figure to the French fur trade?

a) Jacques Cartier

b)Samuel de Champlain

c) Henry Hudson

d) Radisson and des Grossillier

c) Henry Hudson


Who were the “Famous Five”? What were they famous for?

The Famous Five were five prominent Canadian suffragists who advocated for women and children: Henrietta Muir Edwards, Nellie McClung, Louise McKinney, Emily Murphy, and Irene Parlby.


What group of immigrants came to Canada to work on the railway? Why were immigrants hired instead of others?

Chinese Immigrants- No one else wanted to do the hard, dangerous work. 


“Before the men could go to war, it was the custom that the women would make them leather shoes, called moccasins, to wear. If the women did not want war, they would not make the moccasins.”         

What is most likely true about Haudenosaunee women based on the quote? 

a) Were well respected for their ability to create life

b) Had very little to do with decision making

c) Were valued in their society

d) Were the primary warriors in their society

c) Were valued in their society


The Hudson Bay Company held complete control of the trade of furs in Rupert’s Land.  The HBC is an example of...

a) A competition

b) A free market

c) A monopoly

d) Mercantilism

c) A monopoly


Who are the “Canadiens”? (Brody???) 

Francophone descendent of someone from New France 



Charging a head tax to all Chinese immigrants after the completion of the railway is an example of

a) Ethnocentrism

b) Assimilation

c) Multiculturalism

d) Discrimination

d) Discrimination


Why did people rush into British Columbia in the 1850s?



What did the First Nations and the Europeans trade with one another?

Furs, Metal, Pemmican, etc.


What does the term “Ethnocentrism” mean?

Ethnocentrism is the tendency to look at the world primarily from the perspective of one's own culture. 

Part of ethnocentrism is the belief that one's own race, ethnic or cultural group is the most important or that some or all aspects of its culture are superior to those of other groups.


What were the Acadians forced to do and what happened to them when they refused?

Sign an allegiance to Britain (they didn't want to) and they were forcibly deported from their homes and land. 


Specifically Mohamad, what is a pull factor? 

A factor/factors that pulls people towards a country. 


Laura Secord is commemorated on a Canadian stamp in recognition of her contribution to our country. What act made her famous?

a) She fought for the British during the American Revolution.

b) She was a nurse who saved lives during the Battle of the Plains of Abraham.

c) She walked 32km to warn an outpost of an American ambush during the War of 1812.

d) She was a conductor within the Underground Railroad.

c) She walked 32km to warn an outpost of an American ambush during the War of 1812.


What is pemmican? 

Pemmican is dried meat, traditionally bison, pounded into coarse powder and mixed with an equal amount of melted fat, and dried berries.


Responsible Gov't......

A government that must answer to elected representatives


Which of the following people did NOT take part in the British fur trade?

a) John Cabot

b) Henry Kelsey

c) Henry Hudson

d) Anthony Henday

a) John Cabot


The Canadian government responded to the Metis uprising during the North West Rebellion by

a) Giving the Metis some land in exchange for them agreeing to work on constructing the CPR.

b) Giving the Metis a reserve of land and representation in government.

c) Executing Louis Riel and deporting the Metis into the interior of the Western United States.

d) Sending in troops to stop violence and cutting off food shipments to the Metis.

d) Sending in troops to stop violence and cutting off food shipments to the Metis.


When did Canada buy Rupert’s Land? Who did they buy it from? What did it turn into?

1869, Hudson's Bay Company, Northwest Territories.
