What is the exchange of goods which Europeans and First Nations traded?
What is fur
These men are "Runners of the Woods" they trade illegally with First Nations without a permit.
Coureurs de bois
A person that speaks french as their 1st language
What is the 2nd phase of the Fur trade
"Expansion Inland"
Who hunted and trapped animals
What company the British owned during the fur trade
Hudson's Bay Company
A gland base of a beavers tail
What was the main economy of the Europeans
fur trading
What is the 3rd phase of the Fur trade
"Rival Networks"
What is used for transportation to NWC
What is St. Lawrence River
Who were the first people on North America
First Nations
What is the 1st phase of the fur trade
"Early fur trade"
Converted to Christians
What is the 4th phase of the Fur trade
"The Drive-West"
A system that benefits the mother country
What is Mercantilism
A individual or organization has full control of a reasource or area
What was the British doing near Newfoundland in phase 1
Cod fishing
Who killed Ouendat
What is the 5th phase of the Fur trade
"Monopoly in the West"
Who were the partners of the French when trading with First Nations
What is Ouendat, Anishinabe, Innu, Kichesiprini
People who were born with a European and First Nations Ancestry
2 major fur trading companies in competition
Relating or characteristic of Canada and its habitat
The consumption of goods and reasources