A dental professional who cleans teeth, applies fluoride and provides sealants.
What is a Registered Dental Hygienist.
Which genre of music is the most popular in Canada.
What is pop music.
Which February holiday is celebrated in the USA but not in Canada?
What is Presidents Day.
The national animal of Canada.
What is a beaver.
The capital of Canada.
What is Ottawa.
A publicly funded program that provides free quality dental care to qualifying children and youth 17 years of age and younger.
What is Healthy Smile Ontario.
Which Rock and Roll start was only filmed from the waist up because his hips swinging was too suggestive.
What is Elvis Presley.
February is a month for learning about...
What is Black History Month
English dramatist John Webster noted "They that sleep with dogs shall wake with" these.
What is flees
What is largest mount in the world?
What is Mount Everest.
A publicly funded program that provides quality dental care to qualifying seniors.
What is the Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program.
Which Canadian artist wrote the international hit song "Sorry"
What is Justin Bieber
To celebrate February, people are encouraged to wear which colour.
What is the colour red.
The Scientific name for an animal with a pouch.
What is a marsupial.
What is the capital of the largest country in the World
What is Moscow
A publicly funded program that may loan up to $1000 to adults, who are in financial need, to cover the cost of dental treatment for pain, infection or for dentures.
What is the Brushed Aside Program.
Which group is considered the top most selling music group of all times.
What is the Beatles.
This holiday on February 13 celebrates female friendships.
Koala have adapted their diets with a long gut to break down poison in this leaves and sleep 20 hours a day due to the lack of nutrition in these leaves.
What is eucalyptus.
The Stonehenge is a circle of stones build by the Druids. This is located in which country?
What is the United Kingdom
A behaviour that is associated with: Periodontal disease, jaw bone loss, shifting teeth, oral cancer, mouth sore, root cavities, tartar build up, and more.
What is smoking
"Runaway" was the first hit song of which popular rock band.
What is Bon Jovi.
National Guitar Day is celebrated on this day in February.
What is February 11th.
If this two-toed type of mammal falls off it's tree, thick skin will protect it, but it will be mostly helpless until returned.
What is a sloth.
What is the tallest building in the world.
What is the Burj Khlifa Dubai