How many countries have achieved full gender equality?
Can an employer in Germany prohibit someone from wearing a headscarf?
No, in Germany everyone can practice their Religion freely also in their workspace.
Does heterosexism show itself in our language? Explaine it with an example.
example: "Do you have a boyfriend?" (to a female)
Black Torontonians (natives or inhabitants of Toronto) are … times more likely to be shot dead by police than white residents.
A - 4
B - 9
C - 20
D - 39
C - 20
Which form of violence against women is one of the two most common?
domestic and sexual violence
In which country is it forbidden to wear a headscarf when participating in the olympics?
In France.
The artikel from Amnesty international "We can't breath anymore. Even in sports, wie can't do them anymore.": "Violations of women's rights through headscarf bans in Sports in france" shows how deeply the ban affects muslim women.
What is the name of the act passed in the USA in 1964, which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender or national origin?
Civil rights act
What is the equal pay day?
Draws attention to the existing gender pay gap
The UN realized 2019 that there's world wide more and more violence because of religion or belief. What did they do?
create an international day
What is the difference between heterosexism and homophobia?
heterosexism: the belief that heterosexuality is the norm or superior to other sexual orientations.
homophobia: dislike and discrimination of homosexuell people
What are microagressions?
Give an example.
Small, often unconscious statements or actions that reflect racist prejudices
example: "You speak German well"
What is a femicide?
The act of killing a female as a form of extreme gender related violence
The shortcut IDAHOBIT is for an international day. How is it written out? (IDA --> International Day Against)
International Day Against Homophobia Biphobia Transphobia
What international day is on march 21st?
international day for the elimination of race discrimination
What is the bechdel test?
unscientific test used to perceive and evaluate the stereotyping of female characters in films
What are the consequences of living in a heteronormative society as a hetero person?
pressure to conform (Anpassungsdruck), have to fit in the stereotypes, limited perspectives