Inferencing at School
Inferencing with Friends
Inferencing with Family
More Inferences!

You were at school and you were running in the hallway. You ran past a teacher and she gave you a look. What kind of look do you think was on her face and why? What do you think you should do?

Your teacher might have had an angry look because you shouldn't be running in the hallway. When students run in the hallway, they can hurt others. You should apologize to the teacher and walk in the hallway.


You are playing cards with some friends and one of them burps out loud. His face turns red and everyone looks at him. Why did his face turn red? Why did everyone look at him? How do you think he felt? What could you say or do?

Your friend's face is red because he is embarrassed for burping in front of others. Everyone looked at him because he burped unexpectedly. You could ask your friend if he feels okay because he is burping.


You got home from school really late because you stopped by the Rio on the way home and watched the ducks. When you walked in the door your mom had a worried look on her face. What does a worried face look like? Why was she worried? What do you think you should say or do?

A worried face might have a blank expression. Your mom was worried because she was afraid you got lost on your way home. You should tell your mom that next time you will tell her where you are after school.


You brought a great present for your friend to his Bar Mitzvah party. Three months later you’ve heard nothing from him, and you’re wondering why. You could send a “Thanks for nothing” note, or . . . what’s a better way to handle this?

You could ask your friend if he has already had his Bar Mitzvah. You could text him and ask or ask him in person the next time you see him.


You are playing cards with some friends and one of them burps out loud. His face turns red and everyone looks at him. Why did his face turn red? Why did everyone look at him? How do you think he felt? What could you say or do?

The friend is feeling embrarassed because he 


Some students in class are telling lies about your friend. How does that make you feel and what would you do?

This would make you upset because you know these students are telling untrue information about your friend. You should tell them to stop telling lies and also tell a trusted adult to handle the situation.

After dinner on Friday night you wanted to go to the movies, but your mom said no because she didn’t have enough time to wash the dishes, pick up your sister, and get you to the movie theater on time. How do you feel about this? What could you do or say so that you could still go to the movies?

You might feel angry or upset at your mom for not having enough time to take you to the movies. You could offer to help her wash the dishes to save time or you could find someone else to drive you.


A friend posted a photo on social media of you drooling in your sleep. You’re angry and humiliated. Think of a rude way to respond and then a polite way. Which is better and why?

Rude way: "I can't believe you would post that picture of me. You're so stupid."

Polite way: "I really don't like that picture of me you posted. It makes me uncomfortable. Could you take it down?"


Your teacher asked what kind of cupcake everyone wanted and you said you didn’t care, but the student next to you said she wanted chocolate. Your teacher passed the cupcakes out and you got chocolate. You were about to eat it when you noticed the girl next to you had a sad face and had not touched her cupcake yet. What did her face look like? Why do you think she felt sad? What could you do about it?

Her face had a disappointed look with a frown because she didn't get a chocolate cupcake. If you want to, you can ask her to trade cupcakes because you like both flavors.


Your friend got a new haircut.  You really liked it. What could you do?

You could give your friend a compliment: "Hey, I like your new haircut!"


Your sister was out riding her new bike. She suddenly came running in the house crying. Why do you think she was crying and what could you do about it?

Your sister was crying because she might have fallen off her bike and hurt herself. You can ask her if she is okay and you can provide first aid (such as a band aid or ice) to her if her injuries are minor.

A friend sends you hundreds of unwanted texts a day. Think of a rude and a polite way to respond. Which do you think would work better and why?

Rude way: "STOP talking to me! You're so dumb and annoying."

Polite way: "Could you please stop sending me so many messages?"


You were at school having quiet free time. Everyone could choose something they wanted to do, so you chose to draw. You got out your favorite clicking pen that turned different colors every time you clicked. You were playing with your pen and you looked over at the girl next to you who was reading. She looked at you with a different look on her face that wasn’t very nice. What kind of face do you think she gave you? Why do you think she looked at you that way? What could you do about it?

The girl gave you an upset, frowning face because she is distracted by the pen clicking. You could use something quieter to play with (such as a quiet fidget toy) to not interrupt her reading.

At lunch, your friend dropped his tray and his food went all over the floor. What do you think he is feeling and what would you do?

Your friend is probably feeling embarrassed. You can help him clean up his spilled food while comforting him and telling him it is okay.


You are watching a movie with your little sister about monsters. You look over at you sister and she has a scared look on her face. Why do you think she looks scared? What could you do or say?

She is probably scared because the monster in the movie is scary. You could give her comfort and remind her that movies are not real.


You are at a restaurant with friends. You all chip in, but as you leave, you notice the kid who paid the bill didn’t leave a tip. How can you handle this so the server gets his tip?

You could offer to pay the tip using cash that you have on hand and then ask your friends to pay you back. Also, you could pull aside the person who paid the bill and remind them to tip.


Someone in your class teased you because you got so many wrong on your math test. How did you feel? What should you do?

You would most likely feel upset about being teased. You should tell the student to leave you alone and tell a trusted adult that the student is bullying you.


After soccer practice you hand out birthday invitations to everyone except one kid you didn’t know. As you were leaving you saw him crying and talking to his friend. Why was the kid crying? What could you do or say?

He was crying because he didn't get invited to the birthday party. You could walk over to him and invite him so that he doesn't feel left out.


Your dad tells you to clean your room. Instead, you decide to go play on your iPad for 3 hours on the couch. When your dad gets home, he has an angry look on his face. Why is your dad angry? What can you say to him and do?

Your dad is angry because you did not clean your room. You can tell him that you will clean your room now and will put the iPad away.


You’re eating dinner at a friend’s house. You take a mouthful of soup and discover it’s burning hot. Other than spitting it out and getting your tongue to sue for your pain, how could you deal (politely) with this situation?

You can wait until the soup has cooled to eat it. Also, you could ask for an ice cube or two to cool down the soup.
