Name something about the situation where you know something after the fact.
hindsight bias/I knew it all along phenomeon.
What is self-concept?
an idea of the self constructed from the beliefs one holds about oneself and the responses of others.
Lindsey is librarian cause she is quiet. What is this
Ash's line comparison study looks at this phenomenon?
Type of study that looks at the relationship in variables.
Correlational. Not causation
Jonny thinks everyone can see her being nervous during speech? Difference from spotlight effect?
Illusion of transperancy.
How many people noticed yo u at all. Illusion of transperancy is about people knowing your emotions.
This is the name of the phenomenon when you put false information in your memory.
misinformation effect.
Seeming to agree publicly, disagree.
Variable that is manipulated in an experiment
What is the impact bias?
our tendency to overestimate the intensity and duration of our emotional reactions to future circumstances. This occurs when we incorrectly predict how severely an event will impact our emotional state, imagining a stronger and more lasting emotional impact than we actually experience.
Coworkers threw him under the bus, he said that he has to leave work.
Automatic processing
Processing that is simple, fast, ez
Shareef norm formation studies took advantage of this thing?
Autokinetic effect
Type of study that assigns people to different conditions and groups.
What is the downside of high self-esteem? What is the good type of self-esteem.
narcissistic rage
secure self-esteem
This type of priming improves performance.
Facilitative priming
This is a chameleon effect
The chameleon effect is the tendency to unconsciously mimic the behaviors of others in a social setting. This includes mimicking facial expressions, gestures, postures, and mannerisms.
This is the definition of mundane realism
How superficially realistic something is. And experiental realism is how real it feels to you.
Is a Japanese and American more likely to finish a task/persist.
Japanese. Failures having broader implications
I do this when my beliefs about a student influences my behavior about the student
behavioral conformation
This is the variation of milgrams study that had the least obedience.
Rebellious confederates
Chapter 1, 600
What are demand chracteristics?
Cues in the experiment that are either implicit or explicit that tell a participant what is expected.
Example: No control group, I developed this drug to reduce symptons. Could be placebo, or demand chracteristics.
Successful buisness man underestimates the amount of other successful buisness people available.
False uniqueness
After a terrible or amazing exam performance, you will predict this would happen.
Regression to the mean
What impacts conformity.
Group size, group status, cohesion, proximity, prior commitment, unanimity