Social Skills
Life Skills
Hygiene/social skills
Health/social skills
Safety/social skills

True or False: It is okay to get in someone's personal space.

False. Getting into someone's space may make them feel uncomfortable.


What can you say to get someone's attention?

Excuse me


I just burped loudly in the middle of a silent room. I should say ____.

Excuse me!


What is a hobby?

Something you do for fun 


Should you leave to go on vacation without telling anyone where you are going?

No. You should always inform at least one person of your plans in case of an emergency


Name 2 people you like to spend time with and explain why.

Answer Varies.


TRUE OR FALSE:  It is ok to go through someone's personal belongings, even if you know them. 

FALSE. It is never ok to go through someone else's belongings.


What should you do when you walk through door and someone is behind you?

Hold the door for them


Before cooking, after using the bathroom, or after touching anything dirty I should ____.

Wash my hands with soap and water


All friends have to like the same things.

No it is okay for friends to have different interests and share them with each other. 

Name 2 things that you should carry with you at all times.

Varies.. ( ID, keys, cell phone, medic alert bracelet, emergency medicines) 


How do you ask a friend to hang out with you after school?

Can you hang out with me? or you can ask them what they are do after school and ask if you can join. 


True or False: When someone does not quickly respond to a question, you should repeatedly ask them until they answer.

False: You should wait for the person to be ready to answer. Be patient and say "excuse me" before politely asking the question again. 


True or False: It's okay to hit someone if they yell at you or hurt your feelings.

False. This is unsafe. You should always keep your hands to yourself. You don't want to escalate the situation. 


How often should I brush my teeth?

At least 2 times a day.


I can NOT stop thinking about what I am going to do this weekend. I am going to tell everybody about it every time I think about it. Is this okay? 

It is great that you are excited but be mindful of how many times you tell the same story. Share a new memory or ask a friend what they are looking forward to doing.


What should you do if you notice someone appears to be in pain?

Ask them if they are Okay, Call for help


Name something you are looking forward to doing in this weekend.

(answers vary)


True or False: When having a group discussion,  it is okay to interrupt someone while they are talking if you feel you have something more important to say. 

False. You should never interrupt someone when they are talking. It's most courteous to allow the other person to finish speaking and/or raise your hand to be acknowledged to speak.   


What is it called when you earn money at work? 



I have to cough and I am not wearing a mask, where should I cough into? 

My elbow or a napkin/tissue


True or False:  It is okay to stay up all night long for days at a time.

False.  You should make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep each night to prevent drowsiness and/or crankiness 


If someone in the cafeteria looks at you, should you immediately stand up and say - What are you looking at? OR Stop looking at me. 

No - but what could you do or say? 


Ask the person to your right one question to find out what their favorite hobby is.

Answer Varies


True or False: It's okay to ask women how old they are 

False - It's considered rude to ask a women how old they are. 


What can you do if you are feeling frustrated? Name two things.

-Answer Varies.

-Take a break, take a walk, do something positive, count to 10, take deep breaths, pray, meditate, etc.


If someone smells offensive should you tell them?  

Yes, it's okay to tell them. However, you want to be polite and let them know in a private way - not yell it out in front of everyone.


Name one hobby or activity you like to do for fun. 

answers will vary


If I miss a dose of my medicine, is it ok to double up on it the next day. 

No, this is not safe. Taking too much of your medicine can cause an adverse reaction. ( Headache, upset stomach, blurred vision, pain etc..) 


Tell me one thing you know about the person to your left.

Answer Varies.
