This platform, founded in 2004, was originally designed for college students but has since expanded to nearly every demographic.
What is facebook
The act of sharing someone else's post to your own feed is known as this.
What is reposting?
real-time updates on world events
what is news?
What platforms are more likely to spread fake news
what is Tik tok and Instagram?
This image and video-sharing app was acquired by Facebook in 2012 and has grown to more than a billion active users.
What is Instagram?
This viral phenomenon describes a short, funny, or entertaining video that gets spread widely across the internet.
What is a meme?
Which social media campaign raised awareness and funding for ALS
what is Ice Bucket Challenge?
Online bullying is also known as _______
what is Cyberbullying?
Known for its "tweets," this platform is a place for short messages of up to 280 characters.
What is Twitter?
This type of account, often used by celebrities, brands, and influencers, provides a verified checkmark to authenticate their identity.
What is a verified account?
A Platform that helps with job search
what is LinkedIn?
what creates highly realistic images, videos, and text messages that mimic real-life events or people
what is Artificial Intelligence?
The platform, popular for short video content, was originally launched as in 2016 before being rebranded.
What is TikTok?
A social media influencer who promotes a brand or product on their account in exchange for compensation is known as this.
What is an influencer?
A platform that helps with creative content sharing
what is Tik Tok, Instagram, YouTube?
AI can replicate your voice. True or False
This social network, founded by Mark Zuckerberg in 2003, was initially created to connect people with the same interests at Harvard University.
What is Facebook?
refers to digital platforms and applications that enable users to create, share and interact with content.
what is social media
What type of campaign did doritos do
What is marketing?
A fear of being detached from mobile phone connectivity.
what is Nomophobia?