You shouldn't share this on the internet
Private/personal information
These are apps you can listen to music from...
Apple music, Spotify, Youtube, Soundcloud, Pandora
You should use your name in your password (True/False)
If someone asked for your friend's phone number on social media/online, you should...
Not give it out, talk to your friend first
People have been fired from their jobs or kicked out of school because of social media (True/False)
This app provides transportation and allows passengers to hail a ride with drivers who get paid.
Uber, Lyft
This is a good way to protect yourself and your accounts on social media.
Privacy settings (making your account private)
What is the most visited website in the world?
New friendships, motivation to try new things, reconnect with friends, supporting businesses (shopping), learning & education, creativity, finding interests (hashtags)
This is the amount of time something you post lasts on the internet
This app is used for posting/seeing pictures, watching videos, messaging friends, posting/watching stories, finding interests, and even promoting businesses.
How to spot a fake profile/hacker
They have 0 followers, they send strange messages/posts, free giveaways, they ask for/try to send money
Which social media platform is known for its 280-character limit for tweets?
Cons of social media
Cyberbullying, misinformation, addiction, lack of privacy, hacking, distraction, sleep disruption, fear of missing out
My employer won't see my social media (True/False)
What is the term for someone pretending to be someone else online?
This is the most used social media platform in the world
What is the difference between blocking and reporting someone on social media?
Blocking- you won't be able to see their profile and they won't be able to see yours; use when you don't want to interact with someone online
Reporting- the social media platform will review that account and decide if they should remove them; use when someone posts hateful, misleading, or damaging
Matthew posts an inappropriate picture of him on his Instagram. After 5 minutes, he deletes it. Could someone have saved the photo? (True/False)
This employment-focused social media platform focuses on finding the right job or internship, connecting and strengthening professional relationships, and learning the skills you need to succeed in your career.
This is when you provide two or more verification methods to access your account (ie. you are trying to get into your Instagram account and you need to put in your password AND a code sent to your phone number)
Multifactor authentication
This is the most liked photo on Instagram with 60 million likes
An egg!
This website/app uses AI to understands and generates humanlike text, so it is useful for tasks such as generating content, answering questions, engaging in conversations and providing explanations