You can use your thumbs a lot to type a limited number of characters
What is Twitter
This percentage of teenagers use social media
What is 80%
This social media platform is the best for mental health
What is Youtube
It is the ghost of your past and present
What is Snapchat
This percentage of Social Media users say that it changed their life but not for the better?
What is 50%
This Social Media platform is the worst for teenage Mental health
What is Instagram
This is the most utilized social media network by educators for professional purposes
What is Pinterest
The number of times per week a school employee is convicted or accused of having an inappropriate relationship with a student
What is 15
The most famous and common negative effect of social media is
What is cyber-bullying
This photo-focused social media platform is used by adolescence to keep their image up
What is Instagram
This is the percentage of Teen suicide rates going up since the Increase of Social Media usage
What is 400%
Young people who spend more than 3 hours a day on social media are susceptible to
What is depression and anxiety
This social media platform has the most positive effect on mental health?
What is YouTube
Approximately this percentage of educators use social media for personal communication
What is 80%
This is the gender that is more and likely to be cyber-bullied
What is female