Do's and Don'ts
True or False
Real or Fake

You are ok with it, it's okay for your child to fake their age for social media use.

DON'T: Some services offer additional protection for users who are registered as under 18, and by supplying a fake age young people can potentially lose some of this protection.


It is okay to rely 100% on facebook (and other social media outlet) privacy settings.

FALSE. While privacy settings tend to be reliable, they sometimes change when sites update. Don't post anything that you wouldn't want everyone to see.


Japan has the highest social media usage per day in the world. 

FAKE:  Japan has the lowest social media usage. At just 50 minutes per day. 


It is fine to post your number on social media sites.



On social media, It is okay to discuss how annoying your teacher is online as long as you don't mention his/her name.

DON'T. You never know who knows who. Keep comments like this to yourself.


The pictures you decide to post online today can affect your future reputation. (True or False)

TRUE. The photos you post online may never go away! In the digital age, you need to pay attention to your reputation from the moment you start going online. Your online reputation can be both positive and negative, depending on the choices you make and can affect the future

Cambodia went from 30% of the population using social media to almost 80% social media users in just 6 years.

TRUE:The number of social media users in Cambodia at the start of 2022 was equivalent to 73.9% of the total population, with the most commonly used apps being Facebook (8.8m active users), Youtube (1.9m active users), Instagram (720k active users) and TikTok (500k Active users).


It is not smart to have the same _________ for all websites



It is okay to give out your Address to people via social media, as long as you know who they are.

DON'T. Just... DON'T


90% of teenagers who have seen social media bullying say that they ignored it, while 84% have seen others tell cyber bullies to stop. 



In 2017, A giraffe by name of April gave birth live on Youtube

TRUE! More than 300,000 watched live as April gave birth to a healthy male calf.


Sending inappropriate messages through snapchat is safer than sending a regular text

NO. They are equally bad options. Everything you send is stored, even if it is deleted.


It is okay to threaten a person or group of people - especially if you are online.

DON'T! a person who threatens or intimidates another person or group of people, whether through actions or even mere words, may be charged with the crime of “threatening or intimidating.” 


Facebook was originally for business owners that wanted to promote their businesses

FALSE. The website's membership was initially limited by the founders to Harvard students, but was expanded to other colleges in the Boston area, then gradually most universities in the United States and Canada 


 A kid who wanted a year of free Wendy’s chicken nuggets wrote the most retweeted tweet to date.

REAL.  Carter Wilkerson broke the record, the title of Most Retweeted Post, with 3.3 million shares, went to Ellen’s famous Oscar selfie. With more than 3.6 million retweets, Carter earned his place in history — and yes, a year’s supply of nuggs. 


You can tweet whatever you want providing you have a private account.

DON'T. Never fully trust privacy settings!


I will Respect myself and respect others when it comes to using social media platforms. 

DO! Everyone has a right to their opinion, ideas and views; do not antagonize others by posting unflattering pictures and post.


It is not uncommon for people have been terminated from their place of employment for posting inappropriate comments/pictures on facebook.



 "Khaby" Lame- the most famous tiktoker of 2021 made 10 million dollars that year all while saying nothing.

REAL! Lame has 149.6 million TikTok followers and is the most-followed content creator on the social media platform. These earnings and international fame propelled him to the top of the 2022 Forbes Under 30 Europe Art & Culture list


It is okay to meet a stranger in person, as long as you are buying something from them.

