Social Media Do's & Don'ts
Social Media Do's & Don'ts #2
Pros & Cons

When you only tell the truth about yourself on social media. You don't pretend to be someone else.

What is being authentic?


When is it okay to post nude photos?

a) only when on snapchat or in a story where someone can only view it once

b) only when sent to one or two close friends

c) you can post them anywhere and it is safe

d) you should never post or share nude photos of yourself on the internet or on any social media

D) you should never post or share nude photos of yourself (or others) on the internet or on any social media.


True or False: It is okay to share your social media passwords with your best friend. 

False. It is never safe to share your social media passwords with others besides your parents or caregivers. 


When someone misunderstands what you post on social media.

What is a miscommunication?


True or False: There are fewer consequences to saying hurtful or mean things to others on social media than there are if you said these things in-person.



True or False: It is safe to accept friend requests from a 30 year old who you met in a Facebook group for fans of Harry Potter.


Tricking someone into a relationship by using a fake online persona/personality.

What is catfishing?


True or False: People sometimes steal other's identities on social media.



Name 2 risks or "cons" of using social media:

- Catfishing

- Lower self-esteem

- Predators using information about you 


True or False: If someone says something mean to me online I should immediately respond to them on social media.

False. Take a step back first.


Name 2 Things you shouldn't do on social media:

Potential responses: share your password, post inappropriate photos, share your location


Which of the following shouldn't be shared publicly on social media (select all correct):

a) Your current location 

b) Photos of you engaging in illegal activities

c) Your name 

d) Photos of you and your dog 

A and B

Name 2 ways you can increase your privacy on social media.

Potential responses: 

- change post settings to only friends instead of public

- Change what images other can see on your instagram without "following" you 


When you are constantly checking your social media accounts, and disengage from in-person interactions.

What is a social media addiction? Or what is social media over-use?


The message or information that another person can understand based on your posture, body language, and facial expressions.

What are non-verbals?


True or False: If I post something inappropriate online or regret something I post, I can just delete it and it will be gone forever.

False. Once you post something online there is permanent online record of it. Additionally, others can screenshot what you post.


When you "put others down", call them rude names or threaten them on social media.

What is cyberbullying?


True or False: If you are not friends with someone on social media, they will never see what you post about them online so it is okay to bash them.

False: Depending on your settings, people besides your friends can see your posts. Even if you restrict access to your social media posts, someone could screenshot and share your post.


When you feel worse about yourself because you compare yourself to others on social media. You feel inadequate or not good enough. 

What is lower self-esteem?


"I am feeling upset by the comment you left on my picture of me and Susan. It seems like the photo hurt your feelings.” This is an example of

What is an "I" statement.


Sharing information about social causes important to you, raising awareness and joining groups who believe in similar causes.

What is activism?


True or False: If a friend asks you to remove a photo of them from your social media account you should.

True. Have a respectful conversation with your friend if you really want to keep the photo to find out why they want it removed. Offer to crop them out of the photo if needed.


The restrictions you have setup on your social media accounts that controls who can see your posts, and what information people who don't follow you/aren't your friends can see.

What are privacy settings?


Name three benefits of social media: 

- Connect with others

- Have fun

- Share ideas

- Develop social skills



Someone you don't know comments on your post telling you that you are "trash" and "nobody likes you because you are ugly". What should you do to handle this situation?

1) Take a step back

2) Determine if you should respond. 

  - Try to ignore the comment. Block the person.

  - Private message the person to request they stop.

  - Report the post.
