When a user is unknown they are referred to with this short hand.
What is "Anon"?
The most popular social media platform by number of users worldwide.
What is "Facebook"?
True or false: Social media platforms fact check posts for accuracy.
What is "false"?
The practice of removing social media from your life for a set amount of time.
What is "fasting", "detox" or "break"?
IRonicaLly this term is used to reference the non-digital world.
What is "IRL"?
The percentage of teens that have experience cyberbullying (within 15%).
What is "60%"?
The percent of adults who have come across or shared fake news online (within 15%).
What is "60%"?
True or false: Social media can be used to foster connections and spread positivity.
What is "true"?
The abbreviation for "Fear of Missing Out".
What is "FOMO"
True or false: The average teen spends over 4.5 hours a day on social media?
What is "true"?
The use of AI to manipulate a video or image to make someone appear to have said or did something they did not do.
What is "deepfake"?
Platforms like GoFundMe and Facebook Fundraisers allow people to do this for good causes.
What is "Crowdfunding"?
Endlessly scrolling through posts or shorts is referred to as...?
What is "doomscrolling"?
The most downloaded social media app of the past 5 years.
What is "TikTok"?
The ability to critically analyze and evaluate media content for accuracy, bias, and reliability.
What is "media literacy"?
This platform is extremely popular with people trying to learn new skills.
What is "youtube"?
Used to show that the reply has more likes than the original post (Often used to make fun of someone)
What is "ratio"
What is 70%
The term used to describe only being exposed to information that aligns with existing beliefs online.
What is "Echo chamber"?
Social media has been a powerful tool in inspiring action and uniting community through these large online movements. #blessed
What are "hashtag campaigns"?