Online Relationships
Mental Health
Safety & Security
Screen Time

What is the main way teens use to socialize with friends online? 

A) texting 

B) social media 

C) email

D) talk while playing video games

Answer: A


What is the slang word for missing out on certain things?

A) Ghosted

B) Thirsty

C) Lonely

D) Fear of missing out

Answer:D) Fear of missing out/FOMO

Missing out on certain things can impact your self-esteem, trigger anxiety, and cause you to use social media more. FOMO can compel you to pick up your phone every few minutes to check for updates, or compulsively respond to each and every alert—even if that means taking risks while you’re driving, missing out on sleep at night, or prioritizing social media interaction over real world relationships.


How many social media accounts does the average person have?

A) 4

B) 6 

C) 8

D) 7

 Answer: 8. The average person has 8 social media accounts and spends over 3 hours on these accounts daily. This many accounts can allow security breaches, and risks that social media brings such as cyberbullying, harassment and catfishing.


It is possible for me to become dependent on screen-time.

True or False

Answer: True

A recent report shows that 50% of all teens feel dependent on their phones.


What's the fastest growing social media platform in 2020? 

A) Facebook 

B) Instagram 

C) Snapchat 

D) TikTok

Answer: D 

Tiktok is not only the fastest growing social media network of 2020, it is one of the fastest growing social media networks of all time.


Whatever I send to someone "privately" online, there's no chance it will become public.

True or False


Be careful what you share with others, even if you think it may be private or that you trust they will keep it to themselves, they are able to save and share it publicly. yes, even snapchat... for example sharing nude photos.


Overuse of social media can lead to low self-esteem and negative body image.

True or False

Answer: True

Overuse of social media can cause us to compare ourselves to others and this can contribute to low self-esteem and negative body image.


If I meet someone through social media it is ok if I meet up with them in person.

True or False 

Answer: False.

You should never ever meet up with someone who you have met through social media, the internet is a perfect place for people to hide behind a screen such as predators and catfishers and this can put you in danger.


Only phones emit blue light. 

True or False 

Answer: False

 Smartphones, TV’s, laptops, video games, tablets and other devices all emit light that impairs our sleep


What app lets you video chat with people? 

A) Snapchat 

B) Instagram 

C) Facebook 

D) All of the above

Answer: D All of the above

What counts as a form of online harassment? 

A) unwanted advances 

B) explicit pictures

C) rude comments on photos 

D) all of the above

Answer: D) all of the above


Using my phone before I go to sleep to scroll through my instagram feed will help me sleep better.

True or False

Answer: False

The light that our phones give off actually disrupts our sleep and a good quality sleep is needed to maintain and improve your mental health. Some ways to improve your sleep while still using social media throughout the day are: limit phone checking to every 15 minutes, turn your notifications off to limit buzzing or dinging, and avoid bringing your phone into your bedroom or put it in the furthest location in your room.


Individuals who use social media perform risk taking behaviours to get likes and views. 

True or False

Answer: True

Today social media users engage in unsafe activities to get more likes and views on their posts, these behaviours can result in severe injury and even death. It is important to think before you act!


What is the average screen time usage for teens? A) 5 hours  

B) 7 more 

C) 1 hour 

D) 3 hours. 

Answer: B. 

A recent study shows that US teens spend an average of more than seven hours per day on screen for entertainment purposes. Although this stat is from the US, it is likely to be very comparable to us in Canada.


In 2019, what was the most played app game? 

A) Pokemon Go 

B) Candy Crush 

C) Clash of Clans 

D) Angry Birds

Answer: A Pokemon Go

In 2019, Pokemon Go had 10.6 million active users. 


If someone I met online has sent me a picture or spoken to me on the phone, there is no way they could be catfishing me.

True or False

FALSE: Catfishers have other people's pictures readily available to send upon request. They can also alter their voice to sound different. 


What percentage of students reported that cyberbullying negatively influenced their ability to learn and feel safe in school?

A) 60% B) 50% C) 40% D) 30%

Answer: A) 60% of students reported that cyberbullying has happened to them. This can include harassment, outing, cyberstalking, trolling and dissing. 


What percentage of teens have willingly agreed to meet up with a predator that they met online?  

A) 60% 

B) 100% 

C) 82% 

D) 37%

Answer: B. 

100% of teens willingly met up with someone they met online and this person ended up being a predator. The predator used catfishing and grooming techniques to lure the teen in. This interaction can result in kidnapping, injury and more.


How can you limit your screen time? A) Set aside times to ‘unplug’. 

B) Create timed-limits for screen time. 

C) Turn phones off at a set time every night. 

D) All of the above.

Answer: D. 

There are several ways to limit your screen time, the answers above are just some suggestions. Other common ways to limit screen exposure is no screens during meals, engaging in physical activity that involves socializing and creating a screen time schedule.


Who is the most followed on instagram? 

A) Kim Kardashian 

B) Selena Gomez 

C) Cristiano Ronaldo 

D) Kylie Jenner

Answer: C

Christiano Rinalodo has a total of 241 million (and counting) followers on Instagram.


The majority of online predators will:

A) immediately ask for inappropriate pictures

B) are familiar with the teens' hobbies, music, interest, etc. 

C) slowly introduce sexual content into the conversation. 

D) Both B and C.

D) Both B and C. Predators stay up to date on what's popular among ages 11-15 to connect with teens easier. They also gradually introduce sexual content into conversations or show sexually explicit material that may even involve children engaging in sexual activity – in order to convince kids that this type of behavior is acceptable and safe to do online. This made be used to blackmail the youth in the future. 


Making relationships online or offline is the same and won't impact my health either way....

True or False

Answer: False 

Even though new technologies are great at providing immediate connection, esp. during this pandemic, it is still incredibly important to spend time socializing offline - try to have a good balance between spending time online and offline (e.g., spend time offline with classmates here)


What are examples of personal information we shouldn't post online? 

A. Location 

B. Address 

C. Credit Card/Debit Card info 

D. Phone number 

E. All of the above Answer

Answer: All of the above. 

We should never post any of these on social media because this can lead to fraud and identity theft as well as giving predators the opportunity to see where you are!


Being mindful of screen time can have positive effects on our mental and physical health. 

True or False

Answer: True

How we utilize our screen time can affect our physical and mental health. Are we using it to connect with family? Are we using it to access a mental health resource? Are we using it to access online workouts?  Or are we using it to compare our lives  with influencers on social media, resulting in poor self-esteem? Technology is powerful in that it provides access to just about anything we can imagine. If we are mindful about our usage of technology and screen time, we can use it to support our mental health rather than harm it.

  1. What app was this icon? A) Instagram B) YouTube C) Podcasts D) none of the above  

Answer: B Youtube
