Some random person sends you a friend request on Facebook. Do you accept it?
No you shouldn't.
Your school sent you a big award and you want to post it on Instagram. Should you crop out any personal information first or just post it?
Crop out personal information
A spam account messages you asking you for some personal information such as your full name, address, and where you go to college. What should you do?
1. Not give them any information
2. Block them
3. tell parents
Someone from one of your classes ask you for your Instagram to communicate for your group project. Is this appropriate?
Yes, totally! Or you can exchange numbers.
You see one of your teachers on Instagram. Should you follow them?
No you shouldn't. They aren't allowed to follow you, on social media.
You are at your favourite restaurant, are you allowed to take a photo of the food and post it?
You check you message request on Facebook and someone messaged you saying "hi." You also notice that this account is unfamiliar and has no picture.
Ignore, block, delete
What age do most social media apps need you to be?
One of your friends in the camp sends you a friend request. Should you accept it?
Yes you can, but the choice is yours.
If you decide to be public on your social media accounts (not recommended). What is one way you can keep yourself safe?
2. Use a nickname for your profile
You get a request on snapchat and don't recognize the username. Out of curiosity, you accept it, open up the snapchat picture, and realize that you don't know the person.
A profile with a cute dog starts to follow you. This profile has 10k followers. It seems like a lot of people you know follow this account as well. What is a red flag about this account?
1. You don't know the person that runs this account
2. Could be a spam account that messages you fake info
You are scrolling on Instagram and see someone who you know. You are thinking about sending them a friend request, is this okay?
Is it okay to post a picture of your friend without telling them?
What is a spam account?
1. Messages you didn't want to receive
2. Some dangerous person behind the account trying to spread fake information
3. Might try to steal your information
TRUE OR FALSE: 1 in 4 people have a fake social media account.
How many teens have received friend requests from someone they don't know? (percent)
29% of teens have gotten these requests.
You're in an online class and you have to take a screenshot of the class. Are you allowed to post this anywhere on the internet?
Absolutely not! You can be kicked out of school for this!
One of your close friends' posts something unusual on Instagram and it has a link, that they tell you to click. Should you click it?
No, be weary of it! They might've been hacked.
You are at the mall with your friends. You connect to the wifi called "Free Public Wifi", what could happen by connecting to it?
1. You might have your info stolen
2. Your device might get hacked