What is Social Media
What is a two way street form of media that gives you the ability to communicate your ideas on a topic?
Network to communicate with friends and family
A way to learn about current events and cultural issues
Answers will vary
What is Social Network Use Disorder (SNUD)
A behavioral addiction that is characterized as being overly concerned about social media and driven by an uncontrollable urge to login to use social media devoting so much time and effort to social media that it impairs other important life areas.
What is Internet Gaming Disorder
Preoccupation with internet games. Does not have to be online can be on a smartphone, computer or tablet.
Typically includes: play the game to a point that they have no relationships with friends or family and possibly lose their job or do poorly in school.
What are some of the most popular Social Media Platforms?
TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, Face Book - Answers will vary
Which State has adopted a Social Media Safety Test?
Utah - to be used as of 3/1/24
Social Media Companies must
Verify the age of Utah adult seeking to maintain or open a social media account
Get consent of Parent or Guardian for Utah users under 18
Create a default curfew setting that blocks overnight access to minor accounts (10:30pm to 6:30am)
Protect minor accounts from unapproved direct messaging
Block minor accounts from search results
What are some of the positives of Social Media?
Encourages connections with friends and family
Participating in Group/School Projects
Receiving and offering emotional support
Learning about current events and cultural issues
Finding opportunities for community involvement
How prevalent is SNUD?
Up to 10% of people in US have a social media addiction
What makes gaming so addictive?
Gaming triggers the same pathways in the brain with the same affect and intensity of drugs and alcohol.
The more you play the longer you have to play to get the same affect (dependency)
Is Social Media like the invention of the telephone?
No - While you think you should just have a little more self control you forget that there are teams of people that are designing these websites to get your attention and keep it.
When the telephone was invented and Television etc… everyone panicked thinking no one would go out anymore. However this too passed because your Telephone was not being updated constantly by a team of experts trying to keep your attention.
What are some of the long term negative effects of Social Network Use Disorder?
Time Compression (look up and realize you just lost 1 hour of your life watching cat videos)
Technology at a young age inhibits brain development
Digital Native - people that think they can learn anything just by watching a YouTube video
Disappointment in Workforce - Time Latency - No understanding of how long it takes to reach certain positions in the company - How do I start where the CEO is in their job. No realization of how long things
Disappointment in in your life - always comparing yourself to those around you.
What are some of the Negatives of Social Media?
Isolation from friends and family
Eye Strain, Anxiety, Depression
Lack of social skills
Potential Disappointment in Work and the time it actually takes to do thinks
What are some of the causes of SNUD?
Low Self-Esteem
Personal Dissatisfaction
Lack of Affection
Is Internet Gaming Disorder in the DSM 5?
Yes - but not as a diagnosable condition. It is under Section III - Conditions for Further Study
What is the currency of success in the economy of Social Media?
Attention -
How to get it and how to keep you coming back
Adding auto play on videos, showing other videos that may be of interest. Sending notifications.
How much time does the average American spend on their smartphone?
The average American will spend the equivalent of 44 days a year on their phone as of 2022 (almost one and a half months!)
TikTok, Snap Chat, Facebook - answers will vary
What are some ways to help with SNUD?
Establish screen-free times and places
Set curfew for turning off devices
Talk about not sharing personal information online
Set good example by turning off or limiting time online and encourage family activities
What are some of the Treatments for Internet Gaming Disorder?
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
In Person Rehabilitation Programs
What is a Reciprocity Relationship in Social Media?
Snap Chat Streaks -
You and your friends are in a relationship with each other that requires that you each send a message of little or no meaning to maintain your streak.
Some people take it as far as to give their Snap Chat Login and password to up to 5 friends to make sure these streaks are maintained.
What is the average amount of times an American will check their phone everyday?
Why is Social Media so addicting?
Dopamine hits your brain - When you see something you like, or you receive a like or comment on something you post. As you use it more often it will require more time to get the same feeling you have before.
What chemical in the body is released causing Social Media to be addictive?
What country actually have a diagnosis and treatment program in place for Internet Gaming Disorder?
Can Social Media lead to mental health disorders?
Yes -
Anxiety - Concern over what others think of what you post etc…
Body Dismorphic Disorder - Constantly seeing the ”perfect” people on social media and beginning to see yourself in a negative way
Depression - Seeing everyone else’s lives online and thinking how great they are, wishing that your life was like theirs. Disappointment in how your posts are received, liked or not, etc…
When the original IPhone came out what was the usage Phone versus Apps>
When initially made IPhones were used 90% for making calls and 10%
Now it is the opposite - App usage is 90% and Phone usage is 10%