Personal Space
Social situations
Honest Feedback
Friends and crushes

What is personal space?

the distance between you and and another person that feels comfortable and safe when talking or being next to that person.


You see someone you know, you smile and wave hello. They see you, and then they turn around and start walking away. 

What do you do?

-Walk away, oh well, it seems like they don't want to talk. It's okay if you feel hurt, it's not a fun situation.

-Follow them and ask them why they ignored you

If you follow them, and they keep walking away, this is a sign that they don't want to talk and you should stop following them.



Ask three other peers the following questions. If they all answer, all four get 100 points.   

How do you feel when someone gives you honest feedback (comments or critiques) on your projects, videos, writing, homework, etc.?




Ask three others the following question. If they all answer, all four get 100 points.   

What does a crush or romantic interest mean to you?



Is this person's personal space being invaded?

Does this person look comfortable with the person's hand on their shoulder? Why or why not?


No, they look uncomfortable. They are not smiling or looking at the person.


You are at school and someone touches you in a way that feels inappropriate or uncomfortable. 

What can you do or say?

You can....

-walk away

-find a place that feels safe

-tell a teacher or trusted adult

-tell your parent

You can say...

- "don't touch me" 

Any other ideas?


Someone asks for your honest feedback on their youtube video but you are not comfortable sharing your thoughts with them. 

What can you tell them?

- I am not comfortable with that. Sorry! 

- No thank you, but it looks great! 

- I don't want to do that. Is there another way I can help? 

Any other ideas?


There is someone at school that you are attracted to or have a crush on. You really want to start a relationship with them, but have never talked to them before. 

What should be your first step? Give some examples.

- introducing yourself and asking questions to get to know them and see if you share any interests (example: what is your favorite movie? do you like video games?)

- if you see that they ever need help, you will help them (example: let them borrow your pen if you have an extra)

- asking if they want to be partners in class (example: you're really good in math, can we study together?) 

Any other ideas?


If someone is invading your personal space, what can you do or say?

You can...

-Take a step back

You can say...

-"You're too close"

-"I need space please"


Is it okay to stare at other people and their body? Why, or why not?

No, it's not okay. It can make someone feel unsafe and uncomfortable.

You are in charge of your own eyes and you should not be staring to the point where it makes someone uncomfortable.


Which feedback is the better than the other in your opinion? Why? 

1. I really like your drawing, but I think the tree might need a little more work. 

2. The tree doesn't look like a tree at all, but the rest of your drawing is good!

- choice #1: gives an honest compliment first and then you give them your comments with the idea of making their drawing better

- choice #2: it starts with a critique, which can come off as hurtful and discouraging. this "straight to the point" critique will make the second half/compliment not as meaningful


How can you tell if someone wants to be friends?

-They want to spend time with you

-They seem to like talking to you, maybe they text you, call you, send you memes, or share things they like with you

-They try to get to know you better

-They listen to your interests and maybe you share similar interests



Ask two people the following question. If they all answer, all three get 400 points.   

How does it make you feel when someone enters your personal space?

400 POINTS! 


You are walking down the street and you see someone who is attractive/good looking. When they walk near you, you touch them.

What is wrong with this story? Why?

- you would not respecting personal space

- it could feel like assault (like an attack), even if you didn't mean to.

- you should not be touching them without their permission

- you would be making a bad first impression with someone you may want to build a friendship or relationship with

Any other ideas?


You write a poem and share it with your friend. You ask them what they think of your poem. Which feedback would you like to hear from your friend? Why? 

1. I really liked the theme of your poem, but it was a little hard to understand. 

2. I have no idea what you were trying to say in this poem. I was really confused. Maybe you should try a different hobby? 

- choice #1: gives a compliment first and then a thought . You can ask them if they have any suggestions or ideas if you want

- choice #2: this feedback is harsh and can be hurtful. the suggestion can be rude and is not helpful 


You can be friends with the opposite gender, you don't have to like each other in a romantic way. Sometimes, you might have a crush on a friend, but they might not feel the same.

If you tell someone you like them, and they tell you, "I just want to be friends". How do you respond?

A. That's okay, thanks for telling me.

B. Keep asking them out hoping they change their mind

C. Stop being their friend

A. That's okay, thanks for telling me.

It's okay to feel disappointed or sad about this answer, but we respect it.

B. Keep asking them out hoping they change their mind

This is not respectful and can make your friend uncomfortable and scared. They will likely stop being your friend if you do this.

C. Stop being their friend

If you don't want to be friends anymore, it's okay too, but you can stay friends as long as you respect that they don't feel the same way.


Pair the answers to each zone:





*You can ask others for help

A. Personal space

B. Social zone

C. Public distance

D. Intimate zone


Someone fell on the floor in front of you at school. What do you do?

A. Point and laugh

B. Ask them if they need help

C. Stare or walk away

A. Point and laugh
this would probably make the person who fell feel really embarrassed and hurt.

B. Ask them if they need help
this would be polite to do

C. Stare or walk away
not everyone feels like helping others, but it can seem rude, especially if this person is your friend


You are getting ready for a school dance. You feel as though you dressed up really nice and you feel super confident. You ask your friend, "How do I look?" They say, "No offense, but you look really ugly right now. I think you should change your clothes." 

Is it okay to feel hurt or offended by this honest feedback, even though they said "no offense?" Why or why not?

Yes! Just because your friend says "no offense" does not mean that they can say hurtful things without consequence. 

By saying "no offense" and then giving honest feedback, you might still hurt that person and may still be expected to apologize.


How do you know someone doesn't want to be friends?

-They ignore you (if you're sure they heard you)

-They don't respond to your messages

-They walk away if you come near

There are other people who would love to be your friend, it just didn't work out with this person!
