Bananas are known for being high in what vitamin?
A great workout can make you feel great physically and mentally, in part because of what “feel good” hormones that get released by your nervous system?
What are the two most common mental health disorders in America?
anxiety and depression
Oranges are abundant in what vitamin?
vitamin C
What diet plan consists of "high fat, low carb" meals?
What does a "HIIT" workout stand for?
high intensity interval training
This type of eating disorder is characterized by abnormal weight loss and fear of gaining weight/eating.
This popular workout bike is great for cycling classes and cardio workouts.
How much water should you drink each day?
6-8 eight ounce glasses
The gastrocnemius is what part of the body?
This branch of medicine focuses on treatment and prevention of behavioral disorders.
Anemia is a result of the body being deficient in what?
When reading a nutrition label on a food or drink, what would be the worst type of fat?
trans fats
How many calories are in a human pound of fat?
This term has been coined to reflect periods of mood changes throughout the year, usually in the winter
seasonal depression
White blood cells, scientifically called ________, fight off infections and illnesses.
How many calories per gram of fat?
9 calories per gram
What 3 muscles are you working when you do bench press?
anterior deltoids, pectoralis major, triceps
What are the three main types of responses to stress? (all begin with "f")
fight, flight, freeze
This biological term refers to cell death