
You have plans with two different friends on the same day in different places. What would you do?

 Reschedule  with one of your friends

 Ask if the two are willing to hang out together


You want to go out with your cousin tonight to see a movie but Mom wants you to stay home for family game night. What would you do?

1. See if you can do both 

2. Spend time with your family

3. Ask your cousin if we can go out another time


You know that two students in your English Class are planning to cheat on a test. What would you do?

1. Talk to the students

2. Tell the teacher or para


You want to go out to the movies tonight at 8:15 but your job shift doesn't finish until 8:30. What should you do?

1. Go to the movie another day or time when you don't have to work.

2. Don't go to the movies because you will be late.


You borrowed a friends phone to make a call but you accidentally dropped the phone in a puddle of water. Now it won't turn on. What would you do?

Offer to pay for the repair of your friends phone.


One of your friends is always insisting that he choose the activities you two do together. What would you do?

1. try to compromise with each other


You had a fight with your Dad and you know that you are wrong. What would you do?

Say sorry


You forgot about a school project and now it is due in 3 days. What would you do?

Get to work and do the best you can with the time you have

Ask another student in your class if they can help you.


After the boss leaves, your coworker sneaks out early from work, leaving you to clean up each day. What would you do?

1. Talk to the coworker about what he or she is doing

2. Talk to the boss


You found some really nice headphones sitting under a park bench. No one else is around. What would you do?

Turn them in to the police station.

Look for the owner.

Keep it.


A friend is having problems at home and has started hanging out with people who like to cause trouble. What should you do?

1. Talk to your friend about and ask what is going on with them.

2. Go to a trusted adult to let them know what's going on.


Your sibling "borrowed" money from your drawer without asking. What would you do?

1. Talk to the sibling and ask for it back

2. Let your parents know

3. Ask your sibling why they took your money without asking


A student who sits behind you in Math is whispering rude comments to his friends about the teacher and it is making you feel uncomfortable. What would you do?

1. Ask the student to stop

2. Speak to the teacher or para 


You left on time from your house to go to work. The trains are delayed and now you are going to be late to work. What should you do?

Call your boss and tell them that the trains are delayed and that you will be late to work.


You really want to get a pet but your parents are against it. How could you convince them?

1. Show how you would take care of a pet

2. Explain the benefits of having a pet


You and your best friend have always had similar interests. Lately, your best friend has stopped being interested in the things you like to do. What would you do?

Ask your best friend what is going on

Ask your best friend - what would you like to do


You want to work a part time job. Your mom doesn't want you to because she wants you to focus on school.

What would you do?

Talk to your mom about why you want a job

respect your mom's decision


You were given a class project. You have to work with 2 other students in your class that you don't get along with it. What would you do?

1. Try to get along with one another

2. Ask the teacher if you can change your group

3. Let the teacher know that you don't get along with those 2 students.


You are allowed to leave early tonight if there are only 3 customers left in the store at 7 pm. At 6:59 pm, 6 people enter the store. What would you do?

stay at work and help the customers


You were in a hurry and accidentally put a red sock in with the white clothes. Now everything is pink. What would you do?

Try to wash the white clothes again using bleach to see if the color changes.


You catch your friend vaping in the bathroom in school. They beg you not to tell anyone about it. What would you do?

Tell an adult

Explain to your friend that this is wrong and that you both could get in trouble if you don't tell.

Don't say anything


You are supposed to be home from your friend's house by 10pm but you lost track of time and it is now 10:30 pm. What would you do?

Call or text your parents and let them know you are on your way and that you lost track of the time


You are exhausted and fall asleep in class because you stayed up too late watching TV. What would you do?

Go to bed earlier and turn off the tv


You notice a friend of yours stealing something during your job shift at Target. No one else seems to have noticed. What would you do?

Speak to your friend and tell him or her that you should pay for it and not steal

Speak to your friend and tell them stealing is wrong


You feel angry in school because of something that happened at home. What would you do?

1. Lay my head down all day in class.

2. Speak to a counselor, dean, para, teacher, or a good friend

3. Write down how I feel on a piece of a paper.
