Heuristic Hilarity
Psychological Showdown
Culture Clash
Historical Highlights
Modern Day Psych

This type of heuristic involves quick judgments that are often error-prone.

What is a heuristic?


The study of how we perceive, remember, and interpret information about ourselves and others is known as this.

What is social cognition?


When you’re given a test to measure how people perform better or worse in the presence of others, you’re exploring this effect.

What is collectivist culture?


Norman Triplett’s first recorded research article studied how the presence of others affected this.

What is individual performance?


If you observe how people behave in emergency situations when others are around, and notice that individuals are less likely to help, you’re observing this phenomenon.

What is the bystander effect?


When dramatic events are more easily recalled due to media coverage, this heuristic is at play.

What is the availability heuristic?


This type of research describes participants' thoughts, feelings, and behaviors without manipulating variables.

What is descriptive research?


This research looks at how cultural differences affect behaviors, like comparing how people from various backgrounds view risk or success.

What is cross-cultural research?


This psychologist is recognized for the first published research article in social psychology.

Who is Norman Triplett? (1898)


When analyzing crime statistics over the past decade to identify trends, this research method is most appropriate.

What is archival research?


The tendency to believe you would have predicted an outcome after it has occurred is known as this.

What is hindsight bias?


If you observe how people behave in their natural environments without manipulating variables, you’re conducting this type of study.

What is observational research?


In a diverse society where different ethnic groups interact, this type of research would focus on how these groups coexist and influence each other.

What is multicultural research?


This significant event in the 1930s and 1940s heavily influenced social psychology research.

What is WWII?


To study people’s attitudes on a controversial topic, researchers use this technique where participants think their responses are being verified by a lie detector.

What is the bogus pipeline technique?


You’re trying to decide which city to visit and assume New York is more exciting than Omaha because you’ve heard more stories about celebrities in New York. This is an example of using this heuristic to judge a city's excitement based on how typical or representative the stories are. 

What is the representativeness heuristic?


Milgram’s obedience studies are relevant when understanding why employees might follow unethical orders at work due to this phenomenon.

What is obedience to authority?


This type of research focuses on interactions within a single society with multiple cultural or ethnic groups.

What is multicultural research?


This psychologist, along with Ross and Allport, had a significant impact on the early development of social psychology.  

Who is William McDougall?


This movement emphasizes transparency and accessibility in research to ensure that data and methodologies are open for scrutiny.

What is open science?


This heuristic causes us to judge the likelihood of events based on their emotional impact and memorability rather than their actual frequency.

What is the availability heuristic? 


When you’re given a test to measure how people perform better or worse in the presence of others, you’re exploring this effect.

What is social facilitation?


The belief that one's own culture is superior to others, often leading to biased judgments about other cultures, is known as this. 

What is ethnocentrism?


This influential figure's work during the 1930s to 1960s focused on understanding social phenomena such as violence and prejudice, heavily influenced by World War II.  

Who are the German psychologists who came to the U.S., including Kurt Lewin?


When individuals overestimate their own contributions to a group task because their own efforts are more readily available in memory, this bias is at play.

What is the availability heuristic?
