Relationship Violence
Law & Courtroom

What are the three components of Sternberg's triangular theory of love?

Commitment, Passion, Intimacy


What is the mere exposure effect?

cognitive bias where individuals show a preference for things they’re more familiar with


What is Situational couple violence? 

Relationship violence in which both couple members argue violently, but neither attempts to take general control and incidents are relatively minor, although still unhealthy


What is the CSI effect?

Unrealistic expectations of forensic science created by watching fictional television shows


What is the Construction hypothesis?

The idea that memories are constructed as needed at any given time, making them subject to bias


What are the four types of attachment styles?

Secure, Preoccupied, Dismissing, Fearful


What is similarity-attraction hypothesis?

The tendency to form relationships with others who have similar attitudes, values, interests, and demographics


What is intimate terrorism?

Relationship violence in which one couple member controls the other through severe physical violence as well as psychological, emotional, and sexual violence


What is a False negative and a False positive report?

False Negative: Occurs when we think an event or condition is not present when it really is

False positive: Occurs when we think an event or condition is present when it is not  


What is the Misinformation effect?

Occurs when exposure to false information or leading questions about an event leads to errors in our ability to recall the original event.


What is Misattribution of arousal?

Our tendency to assume physiological reactions to our environment is really due to sexual attraction to another person


What is bilateral symmetry?

When left and right halves of a face or body match; symmetry is positively correlated with perceived attractiveness


Explain Pitbulls vs Cobras.

Pitbull: Perpetrators of relationship violence who get physiologically aroused (e.g., increased heart rate) as conflict increases 

Cobras: Perpetrators of relationship violence who get physiologically calm as conflict increases but are still extremely violent and manipulative 


What is moral panic?

The widespread belief that a particular group of people pose an urgent threat to society, based on accusations of a moral nature


Explain voluntary vs authentic confessions (Types of false confessions)

Voluntary: Confessor either mistakenly believes they are guilty or confesses to gain some benefit

Authentic: When people honestly believe they committed a crime (even if they didn’t). 


What is averaged face? How do people perceive an average face?

A computer-generated face created by combining several individual faces. Averaged faces are often perceived as more attractive than individual faces


What is the Attachment Theory?

The idea that our early family environment affects our ability to form and maintain healthy adult relationships


Romantic myths vs Cinderella fantasy

Romantic myths: traditional gendered ideas and can encourage seduction into violent relationships 

Cinderella fantasy: A romantic myth in which a man who is a relative stranger enters a woman’s life and transforms it by saving her from problems 


What is a false confession?

When someone claims to be responsible for a crime they didn’t actually commit.


What is Narrative Therapy?

The process of writing down autobiographical events in a therapeutic setting


What is strange situation task and what did this experiment identify?

Refers to either the experimental method in which a mother and child are observed in a room as the mother leaves and returns or to the room itself where this occurs.

Identified the types of attachment styles.


What is the Interdependence theory?

A model that predicts relationship commitment is based on (1) how satisfied each partner is and (2) what their alternatives are


What is the cycle of violence?

States that relationship violence occurs in three cyclic phases: (1) tension building, (2) explosion, and (3) contrition


Explain instrumental vs coerced confessions.

Instrumental: A false confession when the person knows they are not guilty but are claiming guilt for some other reason 

Coerced: A confession as a result of force, such as torture or intense interrogation 


What are the 5 disentanglement steps?

Step 1: Seeds of Doubt

Step 2: Turning Points

Step 3: Objective Reappraisals

Step 4: Self-Reclaiming Actions 

Step 5: Last Straw Events
