This occurs when individuals overemphasize internal factors as reasons for others' behaviors while downplaying the influence of the situation.
Fundamental Attribution Error
This type of aggression is driven by anger with the intention to cause pain.
Hostile Aggression
This method of persuasion involves logic-driven arguments, using data and facts.
Central Route Persuasion
This type of love involves intimacy and commitment but lacks passion.
Companionate Love
The act of treating someone unfairly based on their age.
This bias describes the tendency to seek out information that supports our stereotypes and ignore information that contradicts them.
Confirmation Bias
Aggression motivated by achieving a goal, without the intention to cause harm.
Instrumental Aggression
This technique in persuasion begins by requesting a small favor to later ask for a larger one.
Foot-in-the-Door Technique
This type of love includes all three components: intimacy, passion, and commitment.
Consummate Love
This term describes negative attitudes and feelings toward individuals based on their membership in a particular group.
This effect involves the majority influencing an individual's judgment, even if that judgment is inaccurate.
Asch Effect
This term describes the act of repeatedly treating a person negatively with the intent to cause emotional harm.
This theory suggests that people change their attitudes to reduce psychological discomfort caused by inconsistencies in beliefs and behaviors.
Cognitive Dissonance
This model of love focuses on intimacy, passion, and commitment as the three key components of different types of love.
Triangular Theory of Love
This concept refers to negative actions directed at individuals as a result of their group membership.
This term refers to the tendency for no one in a group to help because responsibility is spread across the group.
Diffusion of Responsibility
Aggression is shown with the goal of causing harm, as seen in behaviors like cyberbullying.
This form of persuasion involves relying on peripheral cues like positive emotions or celebrity endorsements.
Peripheral Route Persuasion
This type of love involves passion and intimacy but lacks commitment.
Romantic Love
The belief that people get what they deserve, often leading to blaming victims.
Just-World Hypothesis
This bias occurs when individuals take credit for their positive outcomes by attributing them to internal factors, while attributing negative outcomes to external factors.
Self-Serving Bias
The theory explaining aggression as a result of frustration when a goal is blocked.
Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis
This influence involves changing behavior to fit in with a group, even if the group’s norm is incorrect.
The process of sharing personal, private information in relationships to create intimacy.
Act of blaming an out-group when the in-group experiences frustration or is blocked from obtaining a goal