World Geography
Historical Events
Economics and Trade
World Leaders
Cultural Landmarks

Which river is the longest in the world?
a) Nile
b) Amazon
c) Yangtze
d) Mississippi

a) Nile


Who led the Indian independence movement through nonviolent resistance?
a) Jawaharlal Nehru
b) Mahatma Gandhi
c) Subhas Chandra Bose
d) Bhagat Singh

b) Mahatma Gandhi


What is the term for the total value of goods and services produced in a country in one year?
a) GDP
b) GNP
c) CPI
d) PPP

a) GDP


Who became Germany's Chancellor in 1933, leading to World War II?
a) Adolf Hitler
b) Otto von Bismarck
c) Heinrich Himmler
d) Joseph Goebbels

a) Adolf Hitler


The Colosseum, a historical landmark, is located in which country?
a) Greece
b) Spain
c) Italy
d) Turkey

c) Italy


Which desert is the largest hot desert in the world?
a) Gobi
b) Sahara
c) Arabian
d) Kalahari

b) Sahara


Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during World War II?
a) Lenin
b) Gorbachev
c) Stalin
d) Khrushchev

c) Stalin


Inflation is defined as:
a) A rise in the price of one good
b) A general increase in prices across the economy
c) A fall in unemployment
d) A decrease in interest rates

b) A general increase in prices across the economy


Nelson Mandela was the president of which country?
a) Zimbabwe
b) Kenya
c) South Africa
d) Nigeria

c) South Africa


Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in which country?
a) Ireland
b) Scotland
c) Wales
d) England

d) England


Which two countries share the longest international border?
a) USA and Canada
b) Russia and China
c) India and China
d) Brazil and Argentina

a) USA and Canada


The Treaty of Versailles officially ended which war?
a) World War I
b) World War II
c) The Franco-Prussian War
d) The Cold War

a) World War I


What type of market structure is dominated by a single seller?
a) Monopoly
b) Oligopoly
c) Perfect competition
d) Monopsony

a) Monopoly


Who was the British Prime Minister during World War II?
a) Winston Churchill
b) Margaret Thatcher
c) Neville Chamberlain
d) Tony Blair

a) Winston Churchill


Machu Picchu is an ancient Incan city located in which modern country?
a) Mexico
b) Chile
c) Peru
d) Brazil

c) Peru


The Andes mountain range is located in which continent?
a) Asia
b) Europe
c) Africa
d) South America

d) South America


The United Nations was founded in what year?
a) 1941
b) 1945
c) 1950
d) 1960

b) 1945


What type of economic system is characterized by private ownership of businesses and markets?
a) Socialism
b) Capitalism
c) Communism
d) Feudalism

b) Capitalism


Fidel Castro was the leader of which country for nearly five decades?
a) Venezuela
b) Mexico
c) Cuba
d) Chile

c) Cuba


The Great Wall of China was primarily built to defend against invasions from which people?
a) Mongols
b) Japanese
c) Koreans
d) Russians

a) Mongols


Which country has the most time zones?
a) USA
b) Russia
c) France
d) China

c) France


The Berlin Wall fell in what year?
a) 1985
b) 1989
c) 1991
d) 1993

b) 1989


What is a tariff?
a) A tax on imported goods
b) A tax on domestic goods
c) A quota on trade
d) A form of subsidy

a) A tax on imported goods


Who was the Soviet leader during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
a) Lenin
b) Stalin
c) Gorbachev
d) Khrushchev

d) Khrushchev


Which city is home to the Taj Mahal?
a) Agra
b) Delhi
c) Mumbai
d) Kolkata

a) Agra
