Sir Wilfred Laurier
Assimilation is
what is one culture dying out from the lack of respect from the government, often found from not respecting the culture forcing policies against the culture and not celebrating any of the traditions.
The year the idustrial revolution began
what is 1850s
someone who moves to a new country from there home country
what is a immigrant
By 1911 more than ____percent of the people living in western Canada were born outside of Canada.
what is 80
The total amount of numbered treaties signed
what is 14
Which Is true about what happened after the war in Canada.
A. More factories in urban areas
B. Changed Canadian societies
C. Troubled the economy
D. All of the above
what is D
The two groups who saw themselves as the "founding peoples of Canada"
what are the Britsh and the French
The hutteries were_______
a protestant Religous Group from russia
The three garuntees of the constitunal act of 1867
what is Bill of rights, Federalism, protection of minority rights
The year canadians began driving cars
what is 1903
The system The Canadian Government used to determine whether a person should be allowed into the country
The person in charge of immigration for canada
what is Clifford Sifton
The rights applied to every canadian citizen
what are minority rights
The significant case which lead to women being granted rights
what is the persons case
The only province to be billingual
What is New Brunswick
The main pull factors for immigrants to come to canada
Free land, Jobs, Completed railway, Better machinery, Farming, Religous and political freedom
The city with the largest amount of chinatowns from sasketchewan
what is Moosejaw
The revolution where the airplane was invented
what is the second revolution
In 2001, nearly how many people lived In Alberta whose first language was French
what is around 60,000