Someone you know from class says " Nice Shirt" and then laughs. What do you do?
I could say Thank you and then state " why are you laughing, it doesn't seem like you really like it because your laughing"
You pick out a pair of shoes for school you really really like. Your parents say you need to pick out a different pair because those ones are to expensive. What do you do?
"I really like the pair I picked out, could I help earn money to pay for some of the cost"
Accept what your parents ask and try to find other shoes.
Your math teacher tells everyone to pick a partner for an activity. You ask a friend, but he's already chosen a partner. What do you do?
Accept that this time you can not be that friends partner and try to choose another person.
While walking down the hallway, someone bumps into you and your books go all over the place. You already feel rushed to class. What do you do?
Stop and think, that this is a small problem. Clean up your books and try to make it to class safely. If your teacher ask where you were explain what happened and how you feel.
Your friend tells you to long onto Youtube to watch his video he will be posting at 11pm. You know you have a math test 1st thing the following morning. What do you do?
" I can't wait to see your video but I have to be in bed before 11pm, so I will have to watch it later"
A friend tells you that another friend was saying mean things behind your back. What do you do?
Calmly go address your friend. Possibly say " I heard you are talking about me behind my back, is that true?"
Your parents yell at you for making a mess in the dining room when you know it was really your siblings. What do you do?
Choice 2: Accept what your parents say without arguing.
Your teacher tells everyone to take their homework out and pass it forward. It will be graded. You realize you didn't know there was homework. What do you do?
Find a time that maybe appropriate to go speak with the teacher separately to discuss what happened and why.
You are on your way to science when a friend tells you that you could skip science and hang out in the bathroom instead. What do you do?
Consider the consequences of the situation.
" I don't think that would be a good choice, so I will be going to class"
You joined an online group of people who like the same music and video games as you. Some of the members discuss meeting up but you have never met any of them before. What do you do?
Choose not to go, as you are unaware of this is a safe group of people in real life or people you can trust.
You borrowed a friend's phone to play a videogame. While you had it, you accidently broke it. You are afraid they are going to be mad. What do you do?
Be truthful and explain what happened. Possibly offer to replace what was broke or help fix it.
You ask your parents for money for the Armada fair. They only give you half of what you wanted. Now, you know you won't be able to do everything you wanted to do. What do you do?
During a lesson, the student next to you keeps poking you with their pen. The teacher can't see this and you are getting feed up, as you have already asked them to stop once. What do you do?
Try once more to ask them calmly to stop. If they don't listen raise hand to ask for help or get up to remove yourself from the situation to an empty sit, then explain to the teacher after lesson is over.
While at your locker, someone else walks by and knocks you locker door shut in your face. They start laughing and say "Sorry, just kidding". You begin to feel very anger and turn around to this peer. What do you do?
Think about what you are in control of in the situation. Although you are very anger, choose to respond by saying " that was very rude of your" or choose to ignore open your locker and not feed into the other persons behavior.
Ask them to take it down, question why they did that. If that does not work, get an adult involved.
You see a good friend after school. They look upset. When you ask if they are alright, they say that they just "want to be alone". You don't feel good about leaving them alone though. What do you do?
"I care about you and you look really upset, I don't feel safe leaving you alone. What if we try to call your parent or find an adult you are comfortable with in school to sit with"
In the middle of playing a videogame, your parents tell you to stop playing and come out and take the trash out. What do you do?
You have to give an oral presentation tomorrow in social studies. You are really nervous and hate giving presentations in front of the class. What do you do?
Practice Practice Practice! You could also share with the teacher prior to your presentation that you are nervous so that they are aware.
Use a positive mindset to encourage yourself to do well.
While eating lunch, someone asks if they can sit down next to you. You don't really like them. What do you do?
Kindly say "sure" and keep to yourself during lunch.
Someone from your school friends you online. You don't know them directly but you have seen them around. So you add them, instantly they message you asking for your address and other personal information. What do you do?
Decline to answer, delete them from social media, and if needed tell a safe adult.
Your two friends are fighting. One friend says you shouldn't talk to the other friend, though you want to remain friends with both. What do you do?
You got in trouble at school and know the teacher will probably call home. What do you do?
Upon getting home, talk with your parent or guardian about what happened at school.
*It would be good to not lie and tell the full truth.
You forget to put your electronic or headphones in the phone carrier by the door, your teacher see's you with them as they begin the lesson. What should you do?
Quietly get up and place the electronic or headphones into the carrier by the door and once lesson is over speak with the teacher about it.
It is time to leave lunch, but your table is still a mess. A teacher stops you and tells you to clean it up, even though you know it wasn't you. How do you respond?
Attempt to explain..." this wasn't where I was sitting but I know who was there"
Accept what is being asked of you and help clean the table.
You find out that someone from school is posting on social medica pretending they are another student embarrassing them. The other student does not know they because they don't have social media. What do you do?
You can support your friend later if/when they bring it up to you.