Conflict Resolution
Expressing Feelings
What Did They Do Wrong?
Making Friends
Random Animal Facts

Ashley and Stacy both want to go see different movies. Ashely picked the movie they saw last time but she doesn't want to see the movie Stacy wants to see

Ashley can compromise


Josh makes a joke that makes Lori feel uncomfortable. What should she do?

Say "Josh, I feel really uncomfortable when you make jokes like that. Can you please not talk like that around me?"

If in school, Lori can also tell a teacher if this continues. 


Lily felt annoyed at Jason. She decided the best thing to do was to act passive-aggressively and let him figure it out on his own 

*Passive-Aggressive: when you express negative feelings indirectly instead of openly talking about them. For example: making rude comments or jokes intended to offend the other person instead of telling them exactly how you feel (mad, angry, frustrated)

She should have told him why she was annoyed. 


What's a good way to introduce yourself to someone?

Hi, my name is Aavion.


How many noses does a slug have?



Amanda said something offensive to Kim. What should she do?



Linda doesn't like the sound of chewing but her classmate keeps chomping her food with her mouth open. What should Linda say

she can say "hey, the sound of chewing really upsets me. I don't know if you even notice you're doing it, but you're chewing your food a little loud."

or she can move to another table or seat 


Eddie borrowed his classmate's favorite pen without asking. 

He should have gotten permission


What are three things you can say to keep a conversation going after saying hello?

How are you?

How was your weekend?

What do you like to do for fun?


True or false - turtles can drown if they are underwater for too long



The person at the desk next to you is talking very loudly during Independent work time.

Ask them if they can please speak in a lower tone of voice 


You find out that your friends decided to hang out and go to a basketball game without you. They thought you were busy. 

"I'm bothered by this, I would have loved to attend and I understand I have not been available the last few hangouts, can you guys please ask me next time instead of assuming?" 


Lauren didn't understand a classwork assignment that her teacher gave for math. She said "I don't understand this so I guess I won't do it"

She should raise her hand and ask her teacher to explain it further or ask for help


You and Preston find out that you both like the same video games, except Preston likes another game he plays with his little sister but he was embarrassed to admit it. What could you tell Preston to not feel embarrassed?

It's okay, we all like different games.  


who has better eyesight - dogs or humans



Tara is annoyed at Lindsey for distracting her while she was trying to do her classwork.

Tara can calmly tell Lindsey why she was upset and Lindsey can apologize


George noticed Nick cheating off his exam, he felt uncomfortable by this, what should he say?

"Hey, nick. I think I saw you copying my answers off the exam and that made me really uncomfortable. We can study together if you need help, but please don't copy off of me"


James was supposed to hang out with Ryan at recess, instead, he decided to hang out with another group of friends. 

He could have told Ryan he was asked to hangout with another group of friends and maybe asked him to join or ask to hang another time 


You're at lunch and see the new student sitting and eating by themselves. What can you do? 

say "Hey, I'm Aavion, I know you're new here, want to come sit with me and my friends?"


What color is a polar bear's skin?



Alex was talking about his favorite basketball team when Randy told her she had it all wrong and shared his favorite team and why they were better. They both disagree with each other very strongly.

They can respect the other person's opinion and opt to either have a respectful conversation or not to speak about their disagreements or change the topic.


Terrell is angry with his friend. What should he do? 

explain he's angry and why


Dominique forgot to copy down the homework assignment so she did not complete it

she could have asked her classmates for the HW or told the teacher she forgot to copy it down and may she complete it in class or HW that day.


You're at brunch/lunch and see one of your friends making fun of one of your other friends and calling them names. What can you do? 

"Hey, that's not cool, leave them alone." 

what is the only mammal that can fly?