Beginning of Class Procedures
Tardy Procedures
Classroom Expectations
Hand Signals
Leaving the Classroom

The first thing you should do once you enter the classroom and sit down.

Read the materials needed on the front screen. Take out only those materials and put everything else under your table or chair. 

Write the homework in your assignment notebook.


If I am going to be late to class, I must have this ready to show Mrs. Shepherd when I arrive to class. 

A signed and dated pass from the teacher/staff member you were just with.


If I am not following the classroom expectations, Mrs. Shepherd will remind me to follow the expectations and/or put this in front of me as a reminder to follow the expectations. 

A number warning. 


What is the hand signal for "asking a question or sharing something with the class"?

Raising your hand.


If you receive permission to leave the classroom, you must do this first.

Get your bathroom pass signed.

Sign out and wear the appropriate pass.

(Unless you are getting a drink - you don't need a pass because I can see you at the water fountain.)


What should you be doing when the bell rings?

Listening quietly for the reader to read the materials to us. 

Listening quietly so you can hear Mrs. Shepherd explain the homework for the day. 

Writing your homework in your assignment notebook.


When I arrive tardy to class 3 times, without a pass, this happens.

Dean's consequence


If Mrs. Shepherd has to put a number 2 on my desk, then I have to....

Come in for a lunch detention and fill out a reflection form. 


What is the hand signal for "wanting a drink of water"?

Raising pointer finger


When you return to class, you must do this.

Sign back in and hang the pass back up on the wall.


By the time our readers are done reading the materials for the day and our fun fact of the day, you should only have this on your table.

The required materials for the day. 


When I arrive to class tardy, I should enter the classroom....

Quickly, quietly and in the least intrusive way to the learning environment. 

What is the hand signal for "wanting to go to the bathroom"?

Raising two crossed fingers


If I do not fill out the sign-out log appropriately, I will lose my privilege to....

Leave the classroom


When I arrive tardy to class and have a seat at my table, I should....

Immediately get out the required materials, write homework in assignment notebook, and get started on what the rest of the class is working on. 


You get this many bathroom passes a quarter in your team classes.


Use them wisely - when you really need to!

Go during passing period and at lunch if you run out of passes and/or don't want to use your passes so that you can earn extra Project Pride dollars. 
